Kisame baby daddy

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"Naomi! I told you not to eat that. Throw it now!"

The toddler look at her father with a frown on her face and threw the dirt to the floor. Kisame was frustrated by now. He was trying to convince his daughter that the dirt was not chocolate, but it was no use. They have been fighting like this for a while and it was tiring. (Y/n) was at the grocery store and told Kisame to take care of his daughter. At first he tough it was going to be easy, but he was wrong. His daughter and him shared the same attitude. She didn't listened to anyone unless it was (y/n) just like he did. The little one took another handful of dirt and was going to eat it until her dad interrupt her again. She glared at her father and threw the dirt at him. He just let out a loud sight and looked back at his daughter.

"Why are you like this to daddy?"

Little did he know that his wife was already home and was watching them. She was smiling and giggling at his husband. 'Like father like son they say or in this case daughter' she tough with a smile. She remembered the day they both found out she was pregnant.

__Flashback-how he found out__

(Y/n) was crying in the bathroom. She just found out she was pregnant and didn't know what to do. 'What would Kisame do? Would he be mad? Would he dump me?'
Those questions were running trough her mind. She didn't have many time to think when the front door was opened and some heavy footsteps were heard. (Y/n) dried her tears and hid the pregnancy test in her pocked. Her boyfriend gave a loud sigh and threw himself on the sofa.

"How was your day honey" she said with a fake smile

"Bad. That idiot. Who does he think he is? My boss?"

"I see you're still fighting with that weird guy. Just ignore him."

"Of course I am and no I can't ignore him. He's just so...wait a second...where you crying (y/n)?"

"N-no, don't be silly"

He took a closer look at her face and his angered face was replaced with a worried one. Standing up from the sofa he walked towards her and cupped her face in his hands. Her beautiful eyes were all red and puffy from all the crying. Also Rudolph would be jealous of her red nose. She looked nervous and was avoiding any eye contact with him.

"What happened?! Who made you cry?!"

"Kisame I need to tell you something important"

"You're starting to scare me"

"I'm...pregnant" when she finished she gave him the pregnancy test and started to sob again. Kisame just chuckled, gave her a kiss on the forehead and a big hug.

"Why *sniff* are you so happy?"

"It was time already. I tough something was wrong with me"

"You mean you want it?"

"Of course I do! I swear to God you make me the happiest man in the world"

___End of flashback____

'Those were the days' she tough and unconsciously smiled.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about my sexy husband"



He then took a step closer to her and stared into her pretty eyes. Slowly he closed the gap between their lips and gave her a sweet kiss. Both of them closed their eyes enjoying the kiss. His arms went to her waist pulling her closer and making the kiss deeper and rougher. Her arms went to his neck making the kiss more intense. Later they parted to catch their breath. He rested his forehead onto hers and looked at her eyes again and said her favorites words.

"I love you"

"I love you too. Um, Kisame"


"Naomi is going to eat the dirt again" he turned around to see his daughter getting some dirt.

"H-hey! Stop that now!" He started to run and his wife started to smile again

She would never change her family for anything.

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