CHAPTER 19 (English version)

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Keyla went away without saying anything more to him and took refuge in the peace and quiet library, where no one could interrupt her thinking. She thought of her duty to Al Mack and about her love to Areas. She wanted to drop everything and give up to the temptation to fly away with him, under a different sky, but Keyla knew, that she wouldn't be able to live peacefully, if she wouldn't use this last chance. Even if this last chance would cost her her own life.

She needed a sign, and she desperately begged Nhali to give it to her. She has long been looking for a book, that would describe the same mysterious ritual, to which master Lestrus was preparing her for so much time, and suddenly she found something interesting. It was an ancient manuscript in a thick leather-bound, decorated with precious stones. "Rituals of Nhali's High Priestess" was written on the cover, and Keyla for a moment forgot, how to breathe correctly. Feeling great excitement, she opened the book...

By evening, Keyla knew, what to answer to Areas. She received the sign, for which she's prayed, and now it was her turn to act.

In the corridor she saw, that Aessa was talking nicely to Elhan – it was a pleasure to look at them. The girl was smiling the very same smile, that Keyla loved so much in Areas, and Elhan couldn't take his eyes off her. Maybe that's why he was so eager to fly to the Earth? Suddenly it occurred to Keyla, that her brother and Areas's sister could make a very good couple.

Master Lestrus apparently had quite different opinion on this matter. Seeing the High Priestess, he did not fail to express his dissatisfaction ​​because of Elhan's staying in the temple.

- This is a stranger, my lady, - he said. – He doesn't belong here.

Keyla rose her cold eyes at the priest. He allowed himself too much, not meaning much at the same time.

- He is my brother! - she said firmly with a tone, that brooked no opposition. - My family! You must show respect. He will stay here as long as he wishes, and I do not want to discuss it again either with you or with any of the masters or the priests of the temple. Let's talk about the ritual. Its time to hold it, master! We should have done this long ago. So many innocent people died!

- Tomorrow we will hold it, - he said, and she noticed on his face evil, but joyful expression. - I will warn everybody. We will renew Al Maak, my lady, - Lestrus grinned. It didn't look like he had at least some feelings towards the dead.


Areas was sitting on a stone parapet outside looking at the sky, covered with gray clouds all over. The natural disaster, that raged around, for some reasons still gave the people, sheltering in the temple and around an opportunity to prepare for the most magnificent spectacle - destruction of the huge planet.

Keyla watched Areas from a distance for some time. He looked so tired and sad, that more than anything else she wanted to rush to him, to hug him and never leave him again. But she realized that in this case, her conscience wouldn't allow her to live quietly somewhere far away, knowing, that she could have saved this fragile dying world. So Keyla silently approached and laid her hand on his palm, and Areas shuddered.

- Please forgive me, - she said softly. - I was blinded by my pride and didn't know, what I was doing.

His face lit up with a sunshine smile.

- Of course, I forgive you, my love! - he cried. - Your arrival means that...

Too excited, he could not finish.

- I won't fly with you tomorrow, - she replied with a sad smile.

Hearing this, Areas gasped in astonishment. Perhaps, he still hoped, that Keyla would give a different answer, and he had a really heavy feeling.

- But why? - he asked, peering into the eyes, where he hoped to see an answer, so desirable to him.

- Because it is my duty - to save this dying planet, - the girl responded.

- Do you really believe, that it can still be saved? - Areas cried in despair. - Keyla, they're cheating you! The masters of the Temple will kill you, but they still will not save Al Maak!

She looked puzzled.

- Kill? I don't know, from where you got this nonsense, - she said irritably. - I found a book with a description of the ritual of calling Nhali. There's not a word about death. And it's very simple, this ritual.

- Then why have you been so long preparing for it? - he asked, again trying to demand to all her common sense, but knowing, that it was useless, and Keyla has already made ​​her choice.

It seemed, that his words still made ​​her think about it, because she stared into somewhere for a while.

- I know, that in me there is a strength, that is why I must save this planet, - at last she said with conviction. - Even at the cost of my own life!

- But I can not fly without you! - he moaned, clutching her warm hand. - I can not leave you here to die!

- I won't die, - she said with a smile. - And you should go. You have a sister... I would like you to take Elhan too. If it won't work, I would like you all to be safe...

- Aessa said, he would not leave you, - Areas noted unwillingly. - What can we say about Elhan then!

- I will try to convince them, - she said and dropped his hand. It seemed, that she was going to leave him just like that, without even a hug for goodbye. Areas could not stand it. He stood on her way, pulled her close and clung to her supple lips eagerly.

- I love you! - he cried, and she noticed a moisture flashed in his eyes.

- I love you too, that is why - fly away, - she replied. – Go home and I'll revive my home. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again.

And rising on tiptoes, she kissed him again - gentle and prolonged, as the last time .


Elhan could not accept Keyla's decision to stay, but he understood, that if she hasn't been convinced by the man she loved, then he wouldn't have done anything at all. However, he still tried to do it, but suddenly Keyla started to ask him to fly with Areas.

- I won't fly without you, - he said stubbornly. - And Areas should just throw you over his shoulder and carry you away from the temple!

- Areas knows, that if he does so, I'll hate him, - she replied. - He let me go, and you have to do the same.

- But how? – he asked, feeling completely helpless, as if he again became a little boy, lost among the dead bodies trapped in the rooms of the temple. - I don't want to live where you are not next to me!

- I will always be there, if you only think of me, - she said and hugged him tightly. - You will see another sky. Be happy there.

- You too, - feeling a tingling in the nose, Elhan said and realized, that he's forgotten something. - I have not had enough time to read it, - he said, pulling a book out of the bag. – You read it.

- Alright, - she nodded, surprised to notice its title - "The Book of the true prophecies of Al Maak".

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