Chapter 8: More fluff ;-;

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Sitting on my bed, I ponder. It is too loud to think. Heard from Akiko the rooftop was quiet. Grabbing my pillows and blanket, I go up into the lift.

The roof is a glass-domed ceiling with fragrant flowers blooming. If you look up, you could see real stars. There were certain spaces in between the flowers, and I set my blanket and pillows in one of the spaces. The floor was very clean. Nearby, I could see three silhouettes. Making out the distinct shapes of Ethan and Akiko, I wonder who the third person is. Then I hear their conversation. Annie was the third person.

"Annie, so you want to join us? I should check with Raven..."

"I must. I want to protect her."

"What's your relation to her, anyway?"

Annie stays silent. I shout at them to join me. They come over and sit on the blanket, each of us hugging a pillow. "It's so peaceful," Ethan says. Akiko agrees. We all lapse into an awkward silence. I'm the first to say anything. "Well, since we're going to be allies, I think we should teach each other what we know, then form a strategy for the Games," I say. "Since I already taught Akiko and Ethan my hand-to-hand combat techniques, and Annie knows how to do it, how about you teach us something, Eren?"

We spend the next two hours teaching each other. Eren's father was a doctor, so he teaches us how to treat wounds and which herbs to use. Akiko teaches us how to find other people's weaknesses. Annie teaches us a few more hand-to-hand combat moves. At the end, I am tired and I flop onto the blanket, the rest doing the same. "The blanket can fit all of us," Akiko says. Annie cracks a smile.

"Perhaps we were meant to be allies."

I don't notice the shadow near the lift, looking at us.


The next day, Annie, Akiko, Ethan and I stay together. We visit station after station, making sure that all of us perfect a skill before moving on. Joking, laughing and talking, we get to know each other better.

"We have about 4 days left in Training. What should we do?" I suggest going to the Titan killing station. "They might come out in the Arena, and I don't want anyone to get eaten by them."

"Slumber party today?" Ethan asks, hopeful. Rubbing my neck anxiously, I remember Jewel telling me she wanted to meet me after Training. "Ah. I can't, my Escort says she wants to train me for my interview. Tomorrow night?" I shudder. "Hopefully not with Asher, though."

"I am going to kill that damn bastard. Kissing Raven without permission," Annie growls, making stabbing motions with her knife. "Well, you can beat him up in the Ring?" I suggest jokingly.

After lunch, Annie went and did it.


I knock on the door. "Jewel? It's me, Raven."

"Come in, come in!" Jewel bustles around. She forces my feet into heels and makes me walk in them. After tripping many, many times, she gives up. Next, she tells me to memorize the positions of tableware. "No one cares!" I scream, frustrated. Three hours later, she tells me I'm a hopeless case.


I go up to the roof after an uneventful dinner. It is quiet, serene and cool. Seeing a silhouette under the moon, I inch closer. amber eyes flash in the night.

"Arius." He whips around, only to see me. "Hi, Raven." I sit beside him on the bench. "Do you dislike me for kissing you during the Dance?" My eyes soften, "No, why do you ask?"

Arius sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "I thought since Asher kissed you, you may have fallen in love with him and not want anything in between you both. I..." He hesitates, unsure if he wants to tell me more. "I don't think I can be as good as him," he confesses. "Asher will never be as good as you. Not then, not now and most certainly not in the future."

"Then, Raven." Arius turns to face me. "Where does your love lie?" His intense amber eyes bear into my blue ones. "I... My..." I start to scream internally. My brain tells me... NO! "My love? With..." Last chance, my head warns. Krys feels excited, sending pleas to do so. "With you, Arius," I say softly. Arius looks astonished.

"I'm... I'm sorry... You... You weren't expecting... that?" I stammer, feeling very embarrassed. He smiles. "I thought so." He states, pulling me closer to him. I feel his warm breath on my neck, and I blush. "Then... You're mine, Raven, mine and mine alone." He kisses me for an extended period of time. Fireworks burst outside the dome. Letting go of me, he whispers in my ear.

"Don't go."

I hug him.


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