Chapter 10: Let the Games begin!

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Yay, no more fluff :D 

The next few days in Training pass by. In a flash, it's already time for our Scoring. Annie grins reassuringly at me as she enters the room. I wonder what should I do... Maybe some martial arts on dunnies, then knifework...

I kept my knifework skills to myself, in case I had to fight my allies at the end.

"Raven," A voice calls. I walk in and spot a group of Gamemakers on a balcony. Sighing, I take up a few knives, then look back up at them. I saw... A roast pig with an apple in its mouth, making its way to the Gamemakers. They aren't even paying attention to me. Shrugging, I take aim at the apple in the pig's mouth and throw my knife. It hits, and the Gamemakers stare at me. Staring back, I feel myself say a few words. "Can you pay attention now?"

I realised something...

People would stand in my way to win.

They have to be eliminated.


"Raven, score 11."

I wasn't paying attention to the broadcast, instead of reading a few books I found in my library.

"Raven, what did you do?" Jewel asks. I keep my attention on my book, refusing to answer her. It's none of your business, stop caring!

"Asher Apocalypse, Score: 9."

Hah, looks like he wasn't so great after all.

"Raven, your eyes..." Hearing Asher's voice, I look up into his ice-blue eyes. "What?" I ask in a monotone. "Your eyes are amber... Like Arius's..." I glare at him. "None of your business what happened to me, asshole." I hiss. Asher looks taken aback by my excessive use of profanities. But, I didn't care anymore. He stood in my way to victory. To survival. To living.




"Raven, return to me," a voice pleads. I don't know whose voice it is. I don't care whose voice it is.




The voice keeps calling me. It is annoying me.

I snapped my book shut. "I'm going into my room. See you."


The next day is the Interview. Annoyed, I step into my dress for the night. What's the whole point of this? It is a waste of time. I felt... different. I don't know why. I just felt... Different. Not many people noticed, but I act differently from how I used to act.


It's not my fault.

Why should I care?

"And now, for the next Tribute: Raven!" I walk onto the stage, putting on a fake smile as I go to sit beside the Interviewer. "Hello, Raven! How are we doing today?" the Interviewer asks. Urgh, stupid, cheerful interviewer. Get on with the questions already. "Good, so far," I reply politely, even though inwardly I was imagining ways to kill him already. "Let's start the interview, shall we? Now, how did you get an eleven in your scoring? I thought that it was amazing and the only person who has scored so high was Katniss Everdeen. How do you feel about that?"

"Well, it came as a shock. I wasn't even imagining getting over a ten. But, I now know that I am a target and I hope that my allies will continue to side by me."

"Next, do you have anyone special at home?"

"Actually, no, I don't. All of my family members are dead," I answer, hearing a few murmured apologies.

"Do you think you are going to win this Games?" Smirking, I allow a reply to fall from my lips. "I will kill whoever stands in my way. I have already done my observation, and I know every single one of every tribute's weaknesses."

"Okay, next-" He is interrupted by a buzzer. "It was nice talking to you, Raven. Good luck with the games."


The next few days pass by in a blur, soon it's time for the games. I put on the ODM gear that was placed on my armchair, as well as the standard attire for this year's games.

"Raven, you ready?" Jewel sticks her head into the room. I smirk. "Never have been more ready." Reading through the manual once more, I step out into the lift taking me to the Games.


I now stand on a pedestal, waiting for the buzzer to sound. Steeping off this pedestal before the buzzer ringing meant immediate death, as there were many explosives that were activated by touch under our feet. My pedestal faces the Cornucopia, with tall rock walls on each side, making it impossible to jump over.

I hear the buzzer. Running off, I had already grabbed a pack and a scythe before manoeuvring up before the others started moving. I wanted to be out of there before the Bloodbath started. Now, to check what's inside. Opening up the pack, I see a water canteen, a few cans of dried food, some bottles with a clear liquid inside, and three knives. Feeling a grin stretch across my face, I release Krys. "Krys, we're looking for food first." She gives me the equivalent of a nod, then zoomed off. I sigh, then adjust my necklace to see Krys' progress. She has found nothing so far.

Narrowing my eyes, I see a figure approaching. Extending my fingers, I shoot ice in their direction. They are frozen immediately, and I let a maniacal grin spread across my face. Approaching them, I look them up and down. "I believe it was... Tiffany Smith, was it not? District 2." She struggles, trying to get herself free. "Should I retell how your father died to the audience? Or should I tell them how you had to sell your body to earn money? District 2 is one of the richest districts, yet you lived in poverty, what a shame..." She screams, "How dare you! How do you know that?"

"My dear, I am absolute," I chuckle. "I can put you out of your misery if you want~"

"Yes, please," Tiffany begs. "Please." I could tell that if she was not frozen up, she would have been on her knees and begging. Pathetic. "I won't... yet. For now, I'll allow you to live." I unfreeze the ice, then walk away. Well, psychological trauma is always fun. Krys flies over, a small mouse in her beak. "Ah, thank you." I smile, skinning it and putting it on a spit, roasting it. After I was done, I put out the fire and stretched my limbs. "Well then, on to the next place."


That night, the cannons fire. Five tributes are down. The pictures of the fallen tributes are shown. I am surprised to find that Asher wasn't among one of them. One of them was the one that I had traumatised, Tiffany Smith. Maybe she committed suicide. Smirking, I climb into a tree and fell asleep among the strongest branches. 19 tributes left. How will this play out? 

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