John- 2

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John - 2

John's POV
I walked into Laf's room feeing anxious. I was the last one to get there so they definitely told him already. Why did I leave my sketchbook out??
By the look on Alex's face they definitely told him. He looks like he just saw a ghost or something.

He mustered up a smile and said "Hi John." Ugh I love when he says my name.
"Hey A-Alex. Soo how is everyone?"

"John that's not why we're here," Laf said.
Alex and I both said, "What?" at the same time.
"We're going to play a game."
Oh great...

"What game?" Alex asked.
Herc laughed and said,"Truth or dare."
"Guys we're not in middle school." I replied.
"That doesn't mean it can't be fun. And who knows maybe something might happen," Laf responded.

Then Laf smiled and said, "Let's make it interesting, whoever doesn't do their dare or truth has to... ah I know. They have to do whatever the rest of the group wants for a week."
"Ok." We all agreed.

"I'll go first," Herc said, "Alex."
Uh-oh. This better not be about me.
"Truth or dare."
"Umm, dare."
"Ok. I dare you to sit on John's lap for the rest of the game."
"Oh- I-uh," Alex stuttered.
"Just do it," Herc said while laughing.
My face got hot and my body felt weak as he got up and sat down on my lap. He smells so good. Oh my god this is torture. Laf and Herc were laughing.

"Ok Alex, your turn."
"Alright um, Laf."
"Truth." Laf giggled.
"Ok. Who is your favorite person in the room."
"Oh um. I don't have a favorite." He answered.

Alex was shifting a lot which felt really good but I hope he doesn't know that.
Alex coughed and said "Liar. We're all friends here we won't get mad."

"We're all friends but some of us are closer than others, literally," Laf winked and said motioning to us.
"This was a dare!" Alex said defensively.
"John is still enjoying it," Herc shot back.

Alex whispered, "Hey it's ok I know what to do" in my ear and I almost let out a moan.
He shifted towards Herc and started moving back and forth.

"Uh. Alex?" I asked.
But he didn't answer. He went faster and said to Herc, "Well maybe we both are enjoying it."

Herc's mouth fell open. My dick was enjoying this a lot. He turned around on my lap and kissed me. On the lips. I actually screamed. "Al-ex!"
"What are you not enjoying it john?" he whispered again in my ear and then kissed by my ear.
"No I am just what are you doing?" He didn't answer. A couple seconds later he stopped.

Laf and Herc were just sitting there in shock.
"Ok so Laf's turn right?"
"Umm-yeah." Laf coughed. "Uh, John. Truth or dare?"
"Truth," I said because I was scared of doing a dare.
Laf smiled and said, "Ok, so John how turned on are you after that? Are all your dreams coming *wink* true?"

I felt everyones eyes on me. "Well I-uh."
"Oh come*wink* on John. What are you so afraid of?" Laf asked.
"Like scale of 1-10?"
"Uhh 7."
"WHAT?" Alex yelled, "Only 7? Are you kidding me? I can feel your dick through my pants!"
"ALEX!" My face got red hot.
"Oohhh," Laf and Herc said.
"I thought you liked me more than that," said Alex looking sad.
"What? It's not you it's them." I said pointing towards Herc and Laf.

"Ok it's my turn." Alex screamed.
"Herc truth or dare."
"I dare you and Laf to go into the bathroom for 10 minutes together."
"Ok I guess." Herc and Laf got up and as they were walking to the bathroom Laf smacked Herc's ass.

"Well that was easy enough." Alex said looking at me.
"Ok, your time starts now," Alex said starting a timer.
"Alex they're gone you don't have to do that anymore," I sighed.
"Do what? Oh this?" He said moving up and down again.
"Alex?!" I said moaning.
"Shhh." He put his hand over my mouth. "They're right there."

Jealousy - Hamilton/Lams Story College/Adult AUWhere stories live. Discover now