Laf - 3

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Lafayette's POV
I woke up in my bed with Herc. Last night worked really well. My plan was for mon ami John to finally ask Alex out. Or the other way around. Herc and I ship them together so much. When we went into my room we just giggled and more.

Herc was waking up.
"Hey dad,"
"Hi. wait what?"
"Good morning." I said smiling. I got up and opened the window in my room.

"I wonder if John and Alex fucked last night."
"I hope so," Herc said getting up slowly.
"They're so cute together. Let's go check up on them."

I opened the door slowly so they wouldn't see us right away. They were still asleep on the couch.
"They're sleeping together."
I cut herc off "No they are ASLEEP!" I didn't realize how loud I was when I said that.
"What?" John said opening his eyes.

*kNoCkInG nOiSeS*

"I'll get it," I told Herc.
"He- Thomas?"

It was Thomas Jefferson. A tall guy with curly black hair. He looked like me, but put together. He was wearing formal clothes as always. The only reason he was at this school was because of his parent's money and he generally acts like a stuck up brat all the time.

"I'm looking for John Laurens."
"Umm why?" This doesn't make any sense, he barely knows John.
"Is he here or not?" He asked rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
"Umm yeah. John!!"

John rolled over and got up. He cautiously walked over to the door. I could tell from the look on his face he was already uncomfortable.
"Thomas?" he asked confused.
"Hey cutie." He said putting his hand around John's arm.
"What?" John pulled away and looked back at me. I shrugged.
"I said hey cutie."
"Yeah I heard that. But why?" He put his hands in his pockets.
"What do you mean why? I thought you wanted this," he said motioning towards himself. Thomas put his hand around John's arm again, with a tighter grip.

"What?" He tried to pull away but her couldn't.
"You're so cute when you play dumb," said Thomas while he reached for his hair.
John swatted his hand away and said, "I don't know what you mean."

I turned and saw Alex get up and looked at who was in the door. "Laf," he whispered, "What's going on?"
"Thomas is hitting on John," I whispered back.
Alex got up fast, making himself a little dizzy. He kept going to the door, walking a little sideways.

"GET OUT OF HERE THOMAS!" he screamed.
"Ugh why do you hang out with such trash?" Thomas asked John, grabbing a handful of his hair.
John tried to push Thomas away and out of the entrance to Laf's dorm but he wasn't strong enough.
"Aww so cute!" Tom giggled.
"You're sick!" Alex said back.
"Sorry Alex, we don't do threesomes, at least not with you," Thomas said laughing and reached for John again.
"HE DOESNT LIKE YOU!" Alex yelled swatting at Thomas.
"That's not what I was told," Thomas said smirking at Alex. "Look it's ok to be jealous Hammy, I've read some of the messages you sent him."

Alex started blushing and said, "Those are private you ass!"
"Who told you I 'wanted' you?" John asked, still confused.

"Elizabeth Schuyler."

"What? E-eliza? Are you sure?" John was even more confused now.
"If you don't want to admit in front of Ham it's ok. Let's go somewhere more private," He said while holding his hand out.

Alex starting punching his hand and Thomas just laughed at him. I know I shouldn't be watching this but this is kind of funny. I kind of want to snoop through Alex or John's phone to read those messages.
"No you are not taking him anywhere," Alex said pushing John away. AHHH THEY ARE SOO CUTE!

"Why would Eliza tell me that John is obsessed with me and can't stop drawing me?"
"Wait what?" Alex was genuinely confused now, "He draws me."
"It's true. I draw Alex," John said from around the corner.
"Well if that's true, she's a liar then," Thomas said shaking his head.
Alex was surprised, "Why would she say that?"
"Isn't she your roommate?" I ask from on the couch.
"Laf have you been listening this entire time?" Alex asked.

Shit. "Umm-Yeah a little bit," I said awkwardly.
"Well yeah we are but why would she lie about that and how did she know about that in the first place?"
"Alright Imma head out now (sorry for that)," Tom said.
"No you aren't going anywhere!" Alex pulled on his shirt backwards.
"Can we sit down at least?" asked Tom.
"Yeah let's go on the couch."

As they walked to the couch Thomas stared at John's ass. Alex saw what he was doing and kicked Thomas in the back of his knee. "You little shit!" He said grabbing his knee. "Woops." Alex said smirking.

<on the coUcH>

Alex and John sat next to each other and I had to sit by Thomas.
"Can I see your phone Alex?" I asked for two reasons 1- the messages 2- to see if Eliza liked him.
"Umm- I guess." He handed me his phone. My face ID was already in it so I opened it. "Can I ask why?"
"Is it possible Eliza is in love with you?" I asked.
"Um-No I don't think so." Alex replied shakily.

I scanned messages between him and Eliza until I saw one that made me confused.
"In this message Eliza said, 'Hi Ham' and you said 'Hey' back. Then she asked, 'How is your book coming along?' and you said. 'Good' She said 'I hope you and John work out'."
"She knew about your book?" I asked.
"Umm-do we have to talk about this in front of Jefferson?"
"Yes we do. You were the one who said I can't leave." Tom smirked. "Ah! Is it a fanfic?"
"S-so what are you saying Laf?" Alex is almost shaking now. I saw John put his hand on Alex's thigh. AHH I SHIP! (gun and ship) ;)

"Right. So maybe she was jealous so she told Tom that John is obsessed with you," I concluded.
"But she's never..." He trailed off, "I guess that could be it."
"She never really liked me that much," John said.
"And Thomas aren't you dating James?"
"No he broke up with me because I'm too scared to date him or something. Ok can I go now?"
"Sure I could care less you ass." said Alex not looking at Tom.
"You're my favorite little whore Alex." he winked.
"Fuck off already."
"I know you want to suck me off." Tom said leaning over by Alex and putting his hand over his crotch. Alex brought his knee up to his chest and Thomas spit on him.
"Bye Johnny Baby." John gave him a fake smile back
Then he finally left.

"Why do you have to be so mean to him?" I asked Alex.
"Are you being serious?!"
"Yes." I said and then looked at John. He just shook his head like I made a mistake for even bringing it up.
"Sorry I didn't mean fo-"

I waited for the awkward silence to end before breaking it.
"Oh... So guys I was meaning to ask if you wanted to move in with me and Herc." SHIT.
"I mean, do you want to move in with me. Not me and Herc w-we aren't living together." Real smooth...

"There's two more beds so um..."
"I don't trust Eliza anymore so sure."
"If Alex is then I will," John smiled.

I looked through Alex's phone until I got to his messages with John Laurens. This is wrong. Oh well.

(in the convo) A is Alex and J is John.

A- are you busy tonight?
J- yeah sorry :(
A-no it's ok
J- i'm free for lunch today tho
A- ok

Boring, I thought to myself. I kept scrolling and my mouth dropped open.

J-why did you do that?
J-oh idk you just asked me to set you up on a date
A- well you should know. I'm young, hot and want to date. why do you think no one would want to date me?
J-Alex no I didn't mean that
A-so tell all of them everything about me. and I've haven't dated a girl yet, i want to try it out, yk see uf it's for me
A-tell them my personality, maybe don't tell them my height. you should also tell them the length of my dick :)
A-you should be able to give them an accurate picture ;)

I choked on air. Alex just noticed what I was doing.
"Hey give that back," he took it from my hands. "Hey why are you reading this? This is private!"
"John can you tell me all about Alex?" I asked.
"Ummm-what?" he asked.
"How big is hi-"
"Ok that's enough!" Alex said interrupting me. John was blushing pretty hard.

"I'm going to get my stuff from my old dorm." Alex got up and walked out leaving just me and John.
"I should probably get my things too."
"Ok be back soon for lunch."

Jealousy - Hamilton/Lams Story College/Adult AUWhere stories live. Discover now