Radio Transmissions

198 10 14

Jack and Alex got found out. That's the only thing it could be. The gang figured out who they are and turned on them.

Hidden in a crawlspace in the upstairs hallway, Awsten tries to breathe. He hopes Patty comes back soon, with Jack and Alex in tow.

The apartment is dead silent. The purple-haired boy lets the quiet drown him. It's a thick liquid that filled the apartment so quick he didn't have time to take a deep breath before being forced to go under.

The good thing about the quietness is it means he's alone. He isn't mentally prepared to use the gun on the floor next to him.

The purple-haired boy decides to go into the security room. He'll be able to see all of the entrances to the apartment on the cameras.

He carefully picks up the cold metal next him and leaves the crawlspace. Even though he's still inside of the apartment, he feels exposed and unsafe. He didn't realize how secure having Patty around made him feel until now. Patty made this apartment feel like a home, but now Awsten feels like he's in the Upside-Down version of it.

The security room is dark, but the black and white screens light it up slightly. There's scattered blueprints and manilla folders all over the desk. The whole room is filled with organized clutter.

In the corner is Patty's bed. The purple-haired boy figures that out of everyone, Patty is involved in this lifestyle the most. He's constantly surrounded by it.

The security monitors are making slightly off-putting white noise- high pitched t.v. static. It makes the room seem cold in a weird way. Awsten doesn't understand how Patty sleeps in here.

A voice laced with static comes from downstairs, and Awsten jumps, shakily grasping his gun. He can't understand what's being said, but he doesn't feel safe enough to go downstairs and get the radio.

Realizing it's his only way of knowing what's happening, Awsten inches toward the door. He peeks his head out into the hallway, keeping his gun aimed at the floor. He moves slowly, not making a single noise.

Once he finally reaches the top of the stairs, he stops. He can understand the voices coming from the walkie-talkie now.

"Patty's here but I can't find him! Does anyone have his location? This whole building is fucked!"

Awsten's stomachs drops. The voice sounds kind of like Alex. They can't find Patty. Where's Patty? Why is the building fucked? Alex is usually so upbeat- Awsten hasn't ever heard him sound so serious.

"I'm trying to find him! I have a drone going around the building. I'll let you know if I see him. How are we in terms of back-up?"

Awsten doesn't recognize this voice. He figures it must be either Rian, Jack, or Zack.

A beat of silence passes before Alex responds.

"Jack tried to tell Patty to call Jawn before the door got busted down. I don't know if he did. He contacted Kellin before Patty, so I know Kellin, Travis, and Geoff are on the way."

Geoff is about to be in the middle of a gun fight. The thought makes the purple-haired boy sick to his stomach.

Gunshots ring out from the radio, and Awsten nearly drops the gun in order to cover his ears. Did he just hear someone get shot?

Alex speaks up again after a moment.

"Damn, these guys don't give up! Any visual on Patty yet, Rian?"

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