fo sho

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The team was hanging out in the mountain when they had gotten the text from Dick.

"So, are we going?" Wally asked, looking at his exhausted friends and teammates.

"Dude, I think we have had enough of the Waynes to last a life time. That family is crazy!" Bart cried out, remembering the board they had in their kitchen for 'days since last kidnapping'. "Are they even human?"

"You can ask them that when we see them. Are we going in civvies or uniforms?"

Kaldur thought about it for a moment. "Dick seems to imply that his father would freak out if we showed up in our uniforms..."


"Oh, no, uniforms all around." The team stared blankly at Kaldur. "What? You think that I don't grow tired of Batman grumbling at us all the time as well? Bitch please, we are giving this man hell if it is the last thing we do."

"Kaldur, they may be losing Barbara and you want to give Bruce a hard time?"

Kaldur barked out a laugh. "Please, they aren't going to lose Barbara. And if they do, we all know what they'll do."

"Oh? Do enlighten us."

"Lazarus pits exist." Kaldur rolled his eyes. "Now come on, we are wasting precious time."

The squad made their way to the bioship, boarding it and taking their respective seats. M'gann piloted them in silence towards the hospital where the siblings were at, everyone lost in their own little worlds until she landed the ship on the roof next to the hospital.

The team made their way down to the street level before entering the hospital. Kaldur led the charge towards the front desk, stopping when the nurse looked up. "Can I help you?"

"Hi, yes, we are looking for the Waynes?"

The nurse pointed them in the right direction and the team was off, stopping outside the right door when they heard a commotion coming from inside. They stopped to listen in.

"-ake I will kill you if you do not stop that obnoxious noise!"

"Oh yeah? I'd love to see you try. Come at me, bro."

"I am not your bro! Grayson, tell Drake to cut it out!"

Laughter was heard from inside the room before a loud thud and a howl of pain.

"He did it! Damian actually did it!"

"Todd, do you want to die a third time?"

"Third times the charm, maybe it will actually stick this time."

"Ow...okay edge lord."

"All of you. Quiet."

"Who died and made you boss?"

"Poor choice of words, seeing as you literally just died."

"I regret nothing."

"Quiet." The female voice said again, more firm this time. "My show is on."

"'My show is o-' ow! Bruce! Cass just threw her I.V. stand at me!"

A long drawn out sigh was heard before footsteps approached the door. The team scrambled backwards to make it less obvious they were eavesdropping.

The door swung open and Bruce came face to face with the team. He took one look at them in costume and groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I hate my life." He muttered before walking past the team and disappearing around the corner.

The team shrugged before making their way into the room, being met with the sight of Tim laying on the floor face down with Damian sitting on his back. Jason had an I.V. stand on his bed where it clearly did not belong. Dick was shaking his head on his bed while Cass had murder in her eyes as she turned the volume up on the television, Stephanie standing by the window filming it all.

"When the Waynes share a hospital room..." She muttered into the camera, turning it off when the team came into the room. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

"I invited them." Dick smiled at the team, waving them into the room. "Did Bruce see you? Please tell me Bruce saw you."

Kaldur smirked. "He passed us in the hallway and muttered about how he hated his life."

"Yes!" Dick hollered, earning a glare from Cassandra. "Oops, sorry sis."

"If you guys are going to talk, I'm leaving." Cass got up and detached herself from her machines.

"Can she do that?" Bart squeaked, hiding behind Artemis when Cassandra turned her stare on him. "I mean, you go girl! Show it to the man!"

"I will be with Barbara if anyone needs me." With that, Cass stormed out of the room.

The Bats turned back to the team and smiled in unison. The team shuddered.

Why the hell are they smiling at us like that?

Who knows? I say we leave before they eat us.

They are rich, Wally, not cannibals.

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

I am this close to throwing hands...

Stephanie cleared her throat and dragged the team out of the mental group chat. "So, what's up? How is superheroing?"

"Well, the last few days have been very focused on you guys, so..."

"And you are upset? Bitch, be thankful we are gracing you with our presence." Jason rolled over onto his side, pushing the I.V. stand off his bed in the process. It clattered to the ground loudly and obnoxiously, narrowly missing his younger brothers who were still on the floor.

"Dick! Jason dropped the pole on us!" Tim whined, earning a punch to the shoulder from Damian. "Ow! What was that for?"


Tim rolled over and threw Damian off of him, tackling Damian before he could get up.

The team looked on with mild concern and Dick just rolled his eyes. "Ignore them, this happens all the time."

Stephanie was filming it, livestreaming it on Instagram. "Who do you think is going to win? Start placing bets, mine is on the demon spawn!"

"Thanks, Steph, really appreciate it!" Tim grunted, pulling Damian's hair so that Damian couldn't bite him.

"No problem, bro."

The team walked behind the trio and sat on various pieces of furniture, watching the fight continue. Cassie leaned into Jaime, trying to get a better view. "Tim is going to win."

"Why do you say that?"

Cassie smirked. "He's cuter."

"That doesn't make any sense..."

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