Who is the cutest boy?

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It was lunchtime and a lot of the girls have decided to eat in the outside cafeteria. Kokona turns to Saki. "Hey, Saki? Who do you think is the cutest boy in school?" Saki turned to her. "Huh? Why would you want to know that?" "Well, you know about my crush, but I don't think I know if you have a crush." Saki tapped her chopsticks a few times against her lips and mumbled, "Who do I think is cute... Who do I think is... Well, Shoku-Senpai is pretty sweet, kind and good looking, and Seiyo-Senpai is super funny and I like how he teaches me stuff about America and I like how blue his eyes are... Oh! One time, he took off his bandana before cooking club, and his hair was so messed up, I laughed! When I was about to apologize, Seiyo went like, 'Oh! I see how it is Saki-Chan! I'm so hurt! I thought we were friends, but now I see you think of me as nothing but a-a-" She began laughing so hard, she can barely speak and caught the attention of other girls. "Nothing but a highland cow!!" Kokona covered her mouth as Saki continued to laugh. They turned to Sakura when she began laughing too. She apologized, "O-Oops... Sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but Saki-chan when you said that about Seiyo. It was too funny, but I've never seen that side of Seiyo. He's usually doesn't speak up unless we're learning about the western world or learning English." Kokona asked, "Sakura-Senpai, who do you think is the cutest boy in school?" Himari shouted out, "OI! Don't drag Sakura-chan into this!" Sakura reassured her, "Himari, it's okay! I don't notice guys based on looks, but one time I forgot my bento and Sukubi saw this. I was about to go to the cafeteria to buy some snacks, but Sukubi approached me and gave me a whole bunch of beef jerky, cookies, juice, and chips and told me, 'This isn't too healthy, but this should hold you until you get home.' It was something small... but I thought that was sweet of him." Kokona cheered, "It sounds like he likes you, Sakura-senpai!~" Sakura turned red in embarrassment, but Saki said, "I don't know. The cooking club does this all the time, but I don't think anyone has ever done this to try and look good in front of someone." Kokona shrugged, "It seems pretty romantic." Kokoro laughed, "Sukubi may be sweet but he looks a hungry dog!" The group of tanned girls laughed. Sakura glared a tiny bit, and Saki asked, "Well, who do you girls think is cute?" Musume scoffed, "Is any guy in this school really that cute? They all have weird hairstyles, either pathetic personalities or antisocial, and totally not that great! I'm not sure there is a guy worth any attention" Musume suddenly got a predatory look in her eyes and glanced at Kokona, making the underclassman flinch. "You said you had a crush, earlier, Kokona. Mind letting us in on that secret." Her friends pulled up their phones, ready to gossip and spread this around. Kokona mumbled and swayed a bit, hoping to kill time, only for a soft voice to cut in. "You say that, Musume, but what about Budo?" Musume looked up, sharp eyes staring icily. "What do you mean, Uekiya?" The flower haired senior smiled as her fellow club members stared in excited curiosity. "Do you like Budo, Uekiya-Senpai?!" "I can't believe you like someone!" Uekiya stared at them, but her words were for Musume. "Well, Budo and I have been in the same school with each other for a very long time. I don't have strong feelings for him but know him well. He is passionate, brave and very inspiring. What I like about most is that he's very helpful towards others. He helps me carry new gardening equipment, helps others build their strength, when you need him he's there. So, it's easy to like him. For example, he'll help a student when they just got to this school with whatever they need. Learning materials, getting used to the school map, the school's wifi passwords." She made eye contact with Musume who jolted. She turned away, fists clenched and shouted as she stomped off, "TCH!! WHATEVER!!!" Her friends followed, quickly. Kokona sighed in relief, "Oh, Thank you so much Uekiya-Senpai..." Uekiya smiled and sat next to her. "You're welcome, dear. I couldn't let them do something like that to you." Kokona shyly looked at the ground, "If it's okay, I do want to talk about my crush on Taro-Senpai." All the social butterflies gathered and listen to her speak about her crush as a certain raven trembled in anger, recording the conversation for Info-Chan.


So... the photo I used is from Koki-Arts on DeviantArt. I can't find the original posting so I'm just going to leave the link to his DeviantArt right here

Link to deviantart: https://bit.ly/2OcGHEc

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