Red vs Blue

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"I can't believe you, Fureddo!" Everyone couldn't believe it. "Me?! I can't even understand what you're saying, Miyuji!" Miyuji and Fureddo are fighting. "Guys, can we please calm down?" Two of the friendliest club leaders in school fighting for the dumbest reason, even the bullies isn't interested. "Nacho Cheese Doritos are a thousand times better!" "Are you kidding me?! Cool Ranch Doritos are iconic!" Budo sighed and rested his head on the wall. The trio has lunch together sometimes when they want to chat. The fight started when Budo offered to buy the two snacks, but Fureddo had to say "Cool Ranch Doritos are the best." The two looked at Budo. "Budo, what do you think?" "Oh, I don't really eat chips that much." Miyuji pushed, "Aw, come on Budo! You have to think of something!" Budo hummed and reached the back of his head, scratching. His muscles flexed, unintentionally, but not going unnoticed by the weaker club leaders. Fureddo pressed two fingers to his forehead and said dejectedly, "Nevermind, Budo..." "Huh?" Miyuji sighed, squeezing her bicep, "Yeah, you aren't the best person for this." "What?! How am I not?" The two look at each other. "We need someone who knows about snacks. Can we both agree on that?" "Yeah." "So how about Rojasu and Sukubi?" "And they won't lean on your side because y'all are in the same gang?" "No. Sukubi and Rojasu are weirdly passionate about snacks. They won't lie for my sake. In fact, let's just ask if they like Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese, nothing more, okay?" "Okay." Fureddo pulls out his phone and texts Rojasu. "And don't call us a gang. We aren't a gang." Budo chuckles, "You guys look like a gang. Just get a van and you guys are set for adventures." Fureddo closed his eyes, grinned sarcastically, "Har Har." Rojasu and Sukubi were walking up to the three with Rojasu stuffing snacks into Sukubi's bag. Miyuji whistled, "Nice haul, guys." Budo's eyes twitched, "Guys, please tell me you're leveling this out with more exercise." They look at him with genuine confusion. "Exercise?" Budo looks at Fureddo. "Please tell me you'll send them over to my club for some light sparring." "I'll see what I can do. Okay, guys, We were having a discussion on Doritos. What do you think about them?" Rojasu grinned, "Ooh, Doritos are really good." "Yeah Doritos are good but personally we think Pringles are the way to go." "Although sometimes the flavor doesn't spread out as much as you'd like." "Yeah, that's kind of a problem. But it gives you more chips." Miyuji interrupts, "Okay. Okay. So how about this? What's better: Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch Doritos?" "Oh, that's easy!" They started off in sync, however, they answered with opposing answers at the same time. "Nacho Che-" "Cool Ranch!" Miyuji and Fureddo's faces stilled in shock. Budo slapped a hand over his eyes and the snack duo looked at each other. Rojasu asked, "What did you say?" "Cool Ranch Doritos are my preferred chip flavor." "But Nacho Cheese flavor just stronger flavor" "Maybe, but have you ever had it like ground beef with cool ranch?" "But its the taste, in general, is what makes it a better chip! What do you do if you don't have ground beef?" They began shouting at each other, arguing, and Budo looked at Miyuji and Fureddo. "If these two can't make up their minds on what's better, maybe you two-" He stopped when he saw the desperate looks on their faces. They began looking around and running up to people asking. "Uekiya, what do you prefer? Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?" "What? Um... Cool Ranch? Why are y-" "Gema! Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? "N-Nacho Che-" It's starting to get crazy now. Budo began to look left and right for a way to resolve this. Kuroko was patrolling down the hallway and he made eye contact with her, pleading for help. She walked over to him, and before she can ask. She saw the chaos with Sukubi and Rojasu yelling at each other, Fureddo and Miyuji frantically asking to prove who is right, and students being confused and looking at each other, casting judgment for their choices. Kuroko sighed and began to clap. "Everyone! Please settle down and be quiet." The noise began to dwindle down quickly. Kuroko looked at Fureddo and Miyuji. "Jonzu-Kun. Shan-Chan. What is the meaning of this?" "Well... Fureddo and I had a disagreement about Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch Doritos. I think Nacho Cheese is better and Fureddo thinks Cool Ranch is better." Kuroko looked at both of them. "And neither of you will stop debating until this is resolved?" "No?" "Alright then, how about this? We get someone who doesn't have an opinion try them, and their opinion will settle this dispute." Miyuji and Fureddo look at each other. "Sounds good." "Okay, we need someone with no opinion and who you both respect." Miyuji and Fureddo both look at Budo and Kuroko followed their gaze. It took a while for Budo to realize that he was being stared at. "Oh, me?" Kuroko hands Budo a bit of money. "Masuta-Kun, if you don't mind..." The gears in his head began turning and he stood up. "Okay, Kamenaga-san." He begins to walk off to get the snacks. Miyuji turned to Fureddo with a smile. "Get ready for a beat down, boy." Fureddo smiled back. "Just watch me come out, standing... Girl." Kuroko sighed, not understanding the trash talk. Budo came back with the bags of chips and sat down on the bench. Miyuji quickly stated, "Don't read the info on the back." "Yeah! This is a matter of taste, Budo." He looked at them, blankly, then opened both bags, and popped one chip than the other after he's done. Kuroko asked, "Okay, Masuta-Kun, what do you think?" "Hm..." Miyuji and Fureddo stepped closer. "I don't really want to eat one more than the other. They're pretty equal to me." The two shouted, "WHAT?!" "Well, that settles it." "Huh...?" "He said they're equal that is the answer to your debate. You said Budo is the one that decides it and he said, 'they're equal.'" Miyuji and Fureddo sighed and sat down on either side of Budo. "I guess. I'll respect that." "Yeah. I guess so..." "I'm glad you two can get along now." She walked away. The three were silent for a bit until Budo punched a straw through a Caprisun pouch. Miyuji and Fureddo stared as he began drinking it, quickly. "Budo...?" "Hm?" "You do know the school sells juice boxes, right?" "Yep." Fureddo asked, "Then why don't you get a juice box?" Budo punches through another one and drinks it quickly. "I like Caprisuns better." Miyuji and Fureddo shouted, "What?!" "Actually, I like the juice pouches better." "WHAT?!" Miyuji yelled, "JUICE BOXES ARE THE PINNACLE OF NOSTALGIA, BUDO! YOU DON'T MISS ANY JUICE AND THE HOLE IS BETTER TO STAB SO YOU DON'T MESS UP THE POUCH!" Fureddo continued, "YEAH! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT POU-" Budo holds onto the straw, aims, then blows the empty pouch at Fureddo, hitting him in the nose, then turns around and does the same at Miyuji with the other pouch. With the straw still in his mouth, Budo begins chuckling, "That's why." He begins laughing, then after a bit of silence Miyuji and Fureddo laughs with him. The awkwardness and tension are replaced with laughter and happiness. Budo isn't big on chips, or artificial juice, but it was worth it for this moment. "What do you guys think of the upcoming test?" "Oh, shoot! It's coming up right?! Man! I haven't studied!" "You're a club leader, Miyuji!" "How do you expect to play a concert if you fail?" "Will you guys help me study?"

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