Ready for the Holidays?

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I'm trying something new with this writing. Tell me if you prefer this or the old style, please.


Kuroko announced to the Student Council, "Alright. Just to let everyone know, some clubs are planning on doing special things for the holidays, so look at the situation and adjust the punishment in moderation." Everyone looks at Aoi. Aoi straightened up. "What?! I can do this, fine!" Akane smiled, "Oh dear..." Shiromi grinned, wearing a stocking cap.


The photography club spread out to get snapshots of students who were starting to look a bit festive in the snowy weather. Fureddo was done taking photos of Budo, Chojo, and Iruka wearing almost similar sweaters. "Fureddo!~" The blond photographer turned around and saw Musume calling him over. All of the tanned girls were wearing matching bells, ribbons, and Christmas charms, standing between two cherry blossoms. Musume grinned widely at him, "Take a picture of all of us!" Fureddo smiled back, walking closer to get a better shot, "This is going to look great in the school's website page." "That's what we hope." The girls took different poses as Fureddo took multiple shots. "Alright, girls! I'll send you the photos later and tell me which one you prefer, Okay?" The girls smiled and waved goodbye as he walked away.


Shoku was pouring cups of hot cocoa, ready to serve to everyone in the school. He turned to his club, "Is everyone ready, yet?" Ajia putting decorations on her daifuku, glaring at Seiyo's fried chicken as he was helping Saki put the finishing touches on her peppermint bark. Kenko was making feta and spinach tartlets as he responded, "Not yet, Shoku-san." Shoku smiled and put marshmallows. "Such a warm feeling the holidays bring."


Tokkuko yelled at Tsuruzo on stage, "Why would you even try to throw a party here?! No one even cares about the holidays!" Tsuruzo raised his voice, "But that's exactly the reason to throw one! We must raise the people's spirit! So I implore you, people! Let's celebrate!" He then jolts when a rock version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" played loudly. Tsuruzo yelled out, "MIYUJI!!" Miyuji stopped and looked up at Tsuruzo. "What's up?" Tsuruzo calmly said, "Look, darling, I understand everyone wants their moment to shine, but right now, the spotlight is on us, so if you mind, can you please play Winter Wonderland in a more elegant fashion?" Miyuji gave a thumbs up, "Got it, Boss!" Tsuruzo sighed, "Alright, Once again, FROM THE TOP!"


Aoi was walking through the halls when she sees Geiju painting stars on the faculty doors. She approached him, glaring, "What are you doing?" Geiju continues, not looking at her, "Painting doors." "Why?" "Teachers asked." "Why would they want this?" "Looks Festive." "Can you prove it?" "Go ask."  She got annoyed with his 2-word answers and shouted, "Fine, I will, smart-" She stopped when she saw Kuroko staring. She bows in front of Geiju. "I'm sorry, Geiju-san. Please forgive Aoi's rude behavior." "No worries." "Continue painting the door." "I will." Kuroko makes Aoi follow her. Kuroko spoke first, "I told you to be lenient." Aoi groans, "I will, but I can't stop being enforcer!" "You don't have to stop, just be lenient." They separated paths to continue patrol.


As the delinquents threw snowballs at each other (very violently), the gardening club carried bouquets of poinsettias, walking by. Shiromi followed, "Hello, Uekiya-Senpai." Uekiya turned to her and smiled. "Hello, Shiromi-san! We're going to hand out these lovely poinsettia flowers we grew for the holidays. Here!" She hands Shiromi a flower. Shiromi takes a whiff then takes a petal and eats the petal. The girls began to freak out and a delinquent who saw this paused to comprehend what happened. "SH-SHIROMI-SAN?! ARE YOU O-" Shiromi interrupted, "You did a good job, Uekiya-Senpai! Happy giving." She walked past the shocked delinquent who ended up, getting hit in the ear.


Akane walked into the Science Club. "Hello? Anyone need help here?" Kaga turned around and grinned, "Akane-San! What do you think?" It was a metal reindeer with a red nose and a slot on the top of his head. Akane tilted her head. "It's cute." Kaga turned to her, "Watch this!" Kaga ran up to the reindeer, stuck his school ID in the slot and when the nose glowed red he took it out. The robot moved it's mouth and spoke in a monotone voice, "Hello, Kaga Kusha, Welcome back to School! I hope you have a happy holiday! Ha Ha Ha!"  It moved and danced, robotically to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Akane clapped, "It's great, but it sounds a bit... automated." Kaga ran to the robot and lifted a panel, "Well maybe I can..." He poked at it with a screwdriver then the reindeer started sparking. Kaga looked up. "Oh, no! EVERYONE DOWN!!" The club ran to a spot they knew would be safe as Akane ran to hide behind a wall. BOOM!! Everyone peeked out of their spot and saw the reindeer was down. Akane suggested, softly, "Maybe try something, smaller?" Kaga sighed, "Maybe..."


The gaming club ran by the Basu Sisters with Midori yelling, "ARE WE GETTING CLOSER TO THE SANTA BOSS?!" Inkyu looked at her sister, "Sakyu, Where did Santa come from?" Sakyu stared at her, "Well, I was told it came from a man who gave gifts to the poor and he put gold in these women's socks who were drying by a fireplace because they were too poor to get married." "That must've been a lot of stuff." "He must've had more giving spirit than most people" "Most people?" "Yeah, personally I think it's everywhere, look." Sakyu pointed at Kuu Dere handing a book to Horuda. "Horuda has been saying she wanted to read this old Christmas book for a while and there's Kuu giving it to her when she didn't ask." "Huh... I guess people do give... Can you give me your ring?" "Not a chance." Inkyu pouted as Sakyu laughed.


Senpai walked into his class and saw a gift wrapped up in a nice red bow. He looks at it then he looks at the tag. "Merry Christmas." He opened it up and he saw the Tree of Cranes Book and he pulled out the bookmark that came with it which was an Origami bookmark. Senpai grinned, "This is great!" The gifter was watching around the corner, sighing in pleasure that he enjoys her gift.


Art is by Phat Meowsa on Tumblr. Her art is really good. In fact, this photo is available for download on the Yandere Simulator site. Please check her out and Happy Holidays

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