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• A Summer Romance •

Zaelynns POV

We landed in California around 10 A.M. I slept almost the whole way there. I grabbed my bags and got off the plane. walking toward the car when I felt someone whisper in my ear

"I saw you and Austin"

I turned around to see Alex smiling real huge. I looked at me him weird ( Think o.O Or o_O )

"What do you mean ?"

" I saw you and Austin kiss on the plane." He said looking real happy with a big smile on his face

"Oh you saw THAT" I said blushing looking down.

"You know he likes I mean he LOVES you, everytime you're not around he talks nonstop about you how pretty and smart you are. I feel like i've known you my whole life but the way he never shuts up about you haha no offense"

I blushed even more, maybe what all he said wasn't a lie, maybe he did love me. Then why is he still with Nicole's bitch ass ( No Offense If You're Name Is Nicole )

"Then why is he still with Nicole ?" I asked kinda mad

"He's Austin, he's too nice, he'll feel bad if he thinks he broke her heart or something, he doesn't want to let her down easily and not give her a reason."

Hmm... now that I think about it thats true once he found out Robert's hamster died ( Lets pretend ) and he didn't want to tell Rob because he thought he would be mad and cry or something, he's just too nice curse his nice-ness sometimes I really hate it right now if only he was a jerk like all the other guys at school.

We got in the car and drove to the hotel. It was niiiiceee( http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=601&bih=579&tbm=isch&tbnid=oIN_kcws5bX3iM:&imgrefurl=http://stephanie.posterous.com/classy-5&docid=5_4APl00tSYO0M&imgurl=http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/stephanie/95xs8FUQKIldh1GZG8wznCgUFcQFraeREXVAeozDAwOEga0ODm5LRFtrfv4O/singapore_hotel_012p.jpg&w=380&h=300&ei=sHd8UKmoCcHs2QXxuYHoBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=234&vpy=189&dur=5&hovh=199&hovw=253&tx=65&ty=111&sig=115180211372712711629&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=164&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:102 ← Thats The Hotel Or It Should Be i Dunno ? :o ) we all got our own keys so i didn't bother to check because Sarah told me that we were sharing

I walked into my room and set my stuff down on one of the beds and closed the door I layed down on my bed man I was tired I heard the door lock thinking it was Sarah walking in but I was wrong, I was waaaaay wrong


Who Do You Think It Is ? Alex, Rob, Tyler, Nicole, Or Austin ? :o Dun Dun Dun xD

Its Short i Kno But i Promise There Will Be More Tonight i Started Working On This In 5th Period And Then Again In 9th Period And i Jus Got Home So Yea Im Kinda Tired

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