Chapter Ten

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Katy's POV

I woke up with dried tears on my face and books and jewelry everywhere. I see dents in my walls but no holes. I looked at my hands and there was small cuts with the color blue and purple. I noticed my wrists was bandaged. Last night was a bad night. I threw the covers off of me and quickly took me a shower. I changed into a grey long sleeve with a black hoodie with also blue skinny jeans with knee black boots. I kept my hair down for the day. I walked downstairs noticing Charlie and Bella looking at me. I looked down at the floor as I entered the kitchen. I grabbed me a bowl, milk, spoon, and cereal. For breakfast I ate cereal, go figure. I quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed my book bag and binder and headed out the door. "Want a ride?" Bella asked. I looked at her and nodded. I sat in the passenger seat and buckled up. I looked out the window. As we pulled out it was silent. "Don't tell anyone about last night...just don't tell the ones at school..." I said silently. "I promise, I will not say a word." She said. Moments past after a silent car ride other than the truck making most of the noise we arrived at the school. She parked and I got out. "Woah Bella who's the sexy girl?" An Asian dude asked. I just glared at him and walked away. I walked to my locker and done my combination. I opened it up and was putting some stuff in it that I didn't need. I shut it and it revealed Paul, I gasped then took a deep breath. "You shouldn't be doing that.." I said silently. He looked at me confused as I heard the click of the lock. I was walking away but he ran to catch up with me. "Something is wrong what is it?" He asked. "I'm not going to talk to you with it." I said. He scoffed. "And why?" He asked. You can tell he was mad. "You get mad easily, and you don't care, I know you Paul, you're not the type to care about anyone but the closest ones to your heart, I'm not one of them so you won't care about me and it's one thing to not worry about." What I said seem harsh. "Okay, I probably won't care but I do listen." He said. I know he doesn't care. "Well sorry wolf boy, I don't talk to people that's just there for a few seconds then leave.." I said as I pushed him aside and walked in my class. I walked to the back and sat there. I stared out the window. I wish I can run away, far away from all of...this. I took a deep breath but something caught me out of my thoughts. Someone sat next to me. Some pretty boy, gorgeous blue eyes, beautiful black hair, almost tanned body, very muscular, so gorgeous. He looked at me and smiled. "Names Alex, yours?" He asked. I was getting lost in his eyes. I shook my head and looked at the table. "Katy..." I said silently. I looked at the door since it's still open and I seen paul standing against the locker eyeing Alex. "So pretty girl do you want to go to a party with me Friday night?" He asked as he tried looking in my eyes. I looked away from Paul and looked at Alex's eyes. "Oh uh...I'm not sure, I'll let you know Friday class.." I said as I nodded and looked away. Class began and teacher shut the door. "Okay class..." I just tuned out his voice and wrote down the notes. Alex slid a folded piece of paper over to me. I looked at the piece of paper and opened it.

'You're very gorgeous, mind coming home with me today and study?'

My eyes widened. Oh my gosh. I barely know the boy what should I do? I looked at him and mouthed, "I barely know you." He mouth back, "just studying." He convinced. I sighed and nodded. His smile grew. Eventually class was over. I was at my locker. "New boyfriend?" Bella teased and behind her was jake and Paul. I smiled and shook my head. "No...but where's yours?" I asked. "He...he hasn't been here awhile.." She said as I looked away. "But, Alex huh?" She asked once again. I noticed angered in Paul's face. What's with him? I scoffed at him. "Well, he's quite charming, soon we are gonna study at his house." As I said those words. "Uh no you're not!" Paul spoke up. "Excuse me?" I scoffed at him. "He could rape you! He could do something to you that you don't want to happen!" Paul said. "We don't know, but I'm going to study, not have sex!" I said as I walked past him. Classes went by fast and soon enough it was the end of the day. I walked outside and Alex was standing on the stairs. He turned around and smiled at me. "Let's go." He said as he lead me to his 2006 Porsche. No, I'm afraid of those cars. I hate them so much. He opened the car door for me, very nice of him to do that. He eventually got in the car and drove to his beautiful big home. So beautiful. He opened the car door once again and lead me inside his home. "Nobody's home, mom and dad is at work and well I'm the only child." He chuckled. He lead me to the dining room and we got our stuff out. "So um...what's this?" He'd point stuff out and I'd answer and something I'd point stuff out and he'd answered. Time flew because it's been three hours. I packed my stuff up and we got in his car and he was driving. "Nice having you over, we should do this often." He said. I nodded. I guess. We arrived at my house. We got out and walked up the steps of my porch. "Well, I loved having you over." He said with a smile. I smiled to him then he was leaning in. Wait, no, don't. He was getting closer. Then someone popped in my head. Paul. I shook my thoughts and stepped back. "I-I'm sorry I can't.." I said. I felt bed for the boy. "Oh yeah sorry...well....goodnight Katy.." He said before he walked away. I took a deep breath and walked inside. Bella, Jake, Paul, and Embry was in my livingroom. They looked at me as my eyes were widened from shock. "What?" She asked. Paul stood up and was about to walk out, he was pissed but I stood in front of the door. I know he want lay his hands on me. He looked at me in the eyes with anger. "He didn't do anything, he almost kissed me.." He was much more angry. I walked past him. "But I rejected him..." I said as I looked down. "What? Why?" Bella asked. "I don't have feelings for him....I couldn't, someone else popped in my head." I said. I turned around and looked at Paul, he was already looking at me. I took a deep breath then walked upstairs and changed into pajama short shorts with a tank top. I was laying in my bed till I heard the door creak open. I turned and look and it was Paul. He shut the door and laid in the bed with me. It was warm and I looked into his eyes. "You thought of me didn't you?" He asked. "I don't know why.." I said as we looked deep into each other's eyes. "Tell me what you think after this." He said before he smashed his lips on mine. His hands are gliding on my stomach and my hand is on his neck. He was kissing me hard so I kissed him harder. Then he was hovering over me and began to make a trail down to my neck. "No, Paul stop." I said and he stopped. He laid next to me and looked in my eyes. "You're the one." I said and he smiled.

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