Chapter 6

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Natasha and I watch from our spot as Steve appears in the plane parking lot. Not long after, Tony and Rhodey blocked him from taking any step further. They have a brief dialogue and then Tchalla comes in.
"You sure you can do this?" Nat asks me concerned. I nod and we slowly creep out of the shadows, making our way towards the superheroes. "...and there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor fid them Tony, I can't." Steve defended, starting to get irritated.

"Steve" I interfere, making him turn around to look at me.

"You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha asked him. She only earned a blank look of approval from Steve, who then turned his gaze on me, looking at me as if he hadn't seen me for ages. As if he was checking if I was still the same Alice he met 4 years ago. But I didn't say a word. All this, New York, Ultron, Hydra : it all came down to this choice.

His look softened, his eyes silently apologizing to me. Understanding what that meant, I looked down at the floor and tried to keep myself from losing it.

"Alright, I've run out of patience." Tony said breaking the silence. "Underoos!"

Peter then comes in and uses his spider web to take hold of Steve's shield and lands on a van. "Hi everyone." I had spent all the trip on the jet answering to Peter's fanboyish questions."Hello, Captain. Big fan. I'm Spider-Man."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later." Tony states, slightly irritated. "Just, good job."

"You've been busy." Cap remarks mentioning to the youngest recruit.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place." He says anger building up. "I'm trying to keep..." He takes a deeps breath to calm down. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed." Cap tells him, and that hits me too.

"All right, we're done." Tony looks at him with disbelief. "You're gonna turn Barnes over or you're gonna come with us now, because it's us,or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite."

Suddenly, Cap raises his joined hands in the air and an arrow breaks the spider web setting free them free; Clint. Tony turns around and his mask is immediately put on.

"All right, Lang." Cap says.

"You guys there's something on..." Peter attempted to say but lost his balance thanks to Scott who shifted to a human size again. Scott had managed to take the shield back and handed it to Cap. "I believe this is yours, Captain America." Oh, great another awkward guy.

"What, what the hell was that?"Rhodey asks through the coms referring to the shapeshifting guy. There are superheroes for everything nowadays. Next thing I'm waiting to see is a walking gormiti.

"Oh great. There's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey you wanna take Cap?"

"I'll deal with him." I answered my brother getting ready to fight.

"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." Rhodey informs us.

"Barnes is mine." Tchalla said as he runs off along with War Machine.

"You sure 'bout that Alice?"Tony asked me.

"Yup, I'm tougher than I look." and with that I use the earth below me to make Steve lose his balance. He eventually falls down; he never covers his legs. He turns his head around to come face to face with my unhappy look.

"Well, that will be just like in training." I sassed.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Alice." he said, attempting to stand up but I push him back down with air and come closer to his face.

"Then you wouldn't have put that much importance to this." I hiss I saw the regret in his eyes, the pain. "Hell, you could have signed just for the sake of it. What we do after is not up to them."Just as I said my last words, an arrow came landing next to me. I quickly let go off Steve and decide to go take cover just as the explosion sends me flying on a nearby van. "Ugh, damn you Clint." I mumbled; the fall was hard. After a few minutes, I manage to stand up and see Steve fighting Black Panther and War Machine. I get my shit together and quickly go to their direction. I use my powers to knock his shield out of his hands but before I could do anything else, that new ant guy gives him two small objects. Steve immediately throws it at War Machine's direction and imagining he wasn't only throwing a rock at him, I follow Natasha and run away from the object that seconds after became a full size truck. The explosion it did sent me and Natasha a little further. Tony came to help us stand up soon after.

"Is this part of the plan?"Nat asked him panting.

"Well my plan was go easy on them. You wanna switch it up?" He replies. We look to our left and see Cap's team running towards the quinjet. Before we could make a move, Vision appeared and with the infinity stone on his forehead drew a line before them. We looked at each other and quickly assemble all of our team on the other side of the line.

"Captain Rogers," He says,"I know you believe what you' re doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." He orders. After some seconds, we see them coming towards us and prepare to do the same.

"This is gonna end well." Nat mumbled as we start walking toward them.

"They're not stopping." Peter remarked, slightly panicking.

"Neither are we." I said and we all start running towards them, ready to fight. I focus on Ant-Man who starts throwing punches at me but I easily dodge his attacks. After I'm finished with him, I go make myself another match: Wanda. The match was fair, we were fighting for a long time and I would have knocked her out if it wasn't for Clint Damn Barton who came up behind me and pinned me down.

"That's kind of a dick move, do t you think Barton?." I mumble trying to get off his grip without using any of my powers.

"Nah, that's how I treat my friends." He tells me smirking. All this time I was trying to focus on attacking and avoiding Hawkeye's punches but well, it was kind of difficult to concentrate when you see a gigantic Scott running around and holding Rhodey by the feet. He used that distraction to pin me down on the ground again. Not amused, I use air to pin him down in return.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about." I tell him while looking down at him but immediately after that Sam collides one of his wings with me making me fall down miles away and wincing in pain. What I recognize as Natasha's voice came to my rescue.

"You okay?"She asked me trying to help me up.

"I've been worse."I tell her in between breaths and holding my head.

"Follow me." She orders. We both run toward the door that will lead to the quinjet. What is she trynna do? I turn off my com and as I do so, I see a tower collapsing just in front of my eyes. On the other side, I see Wanda's red flames, which means she was trying to keep it up. She then suddenly lets go. But Steve and Bucky manage to make through the collapsing building either way.

"You're not gonna stop." Nat realized.

"You know I can't." Steve replied. Great, he made it.

"I'm gonna regret this." I looked up to see Natasha pointing a taser shooter at him.

"Nat!" I yell trying to get up but she shot T'Challa who was behind the two boys.

"Go." She tells them. Bucky makes his way to quinjet as Cap makes his way to me.

"Alice..." He says sadly. Before he could say something else, I pull his head to mine, connecting our lips together. He kisses me with passion and so do I, but eventually I have to pull away. I rest my head on his forehead.

"Get out of here."I managed to say, regaining my breath. "I'll manage."

"I love you." He told me one last time before Steve and Bucky make their way to the jet. I turned to Nat who was throwing her laser tags at Tchalla to hold him off. The jet's engines start to work and Tchalla tried to get a grip of it, but eventually it flies away. Tchalla turns around to face with what I imagine, is anger.

"I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference." Nat explained and then smirked looking at me. This was going to cost us.

But at this point, who really cared?

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