Chapter 7

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I watched from the corner of the medical center door at my brother and Vision as they were looking at Rhodey getting diagnosed through the glass window. Tony looked extremely frustrated, and honestly, who could blame him? His best friend was severely injured, Cap flew off with a wanted criminal all because of me. Nat and me, for instance. But I bet my name was a little heavier to him. As he was looking around the room, his gaze finally fell on me, pissed, hurt; betrayed.

"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis." Tony explained as we were looking at the green field. It pained me for Rhodes, he knows it. He was just trying to figure out what has gotten into me.

"You know Steve's not gonna stop." I remarked and raised my head to look at him. "If you don't either, Rhodey is gonna be the best case scenario."

"You let them go, Al. You and Widow, you both let them go."

"We played this wrong." I told him trying to justify myself.

"We..."he said shaking his head and laughing ironically. "I mean I knew about Romanoff's double agent DNA, but you,- I thought you were better than that."

"Are you incapable of letting go off your ego for one goddamn second?" I snapped, earning some seconds of silence.

"TChalla told Ross what you did so, they'll come for both of you."

"Let them." I told him earning a blank expression. "I've had worse." I turned around to leave when he gently grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"I'll try to talk Ross out of it. I know you weren't in your right mind."

"If I were you, I'd stop worrying about my little sister and I'd start watching my own back." I told him gently as I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

After a while, I got up from the bench I was sitting on and went inside the facility; I decided to go pay a visit to my fallen comrades. As I was walking back inside, I saw Tony's jet fly off to somewhere, and I know exactly where, or better, who he was going after. I accelerated my pace and was just about to get inside the room my friends were kept in when Ross put himself in my way, making me stop.

"Now, now. You're coming with us." He told me, gesturing for his officers to grab me.

"Get out of my way, idiot." I mumbled and with a waving of my hand throw all of them away with air. "Stark, Alice." I said to the machine which immediately scanned my eyes and opened the door for me. I turned around and blocked the system from letting someone else get in. Before I could look around the room, Clint's voice filled my ears.

"What now, your brother sent you so that you'll convine us to sign that damn piece of paper?"

"Clint, my dear, we may be sibling but my brother and I handle our own business. Not each other's." I told him ironically and sighed. "I came to see how they're treating you."

"How they're treating us? Did your arrogance make you blind?" He scoffed absently. I tried not to argue with him, since that would make things even worse for the both of us. After all, this was just a spectacle for Ross.

"Ouch, Clint. I thought you knew me better than that."

"So did I." He admitted finally looking up at me, his face revealing a small smirk, disappearing almost immediately after. Hoping Ross bought that , I went to Sam's cell. His gaze lit up when he saw me, not only because he was happy to, but because he wanted to tell me something. Before he could open his mouth, I gestured for him to keep quiet, giving me enough time to convert the humidity of the room in water and discretely short circuit the surveillance system, leaving us only a few seconds before it was turned back on.

"He went out to find them. I don't trust the man, Alice." He told me dropping his voice at the lowest.
"Where are they?" I asked and he started giving me coordinates. Exactly when he was finished, the door opened, revealing a bunch of security guys, Ross at their head. I raise my hands to show that I didn't do anything and make my way out of the room, winking at Barton as I did so. Off to the Siberian H.Y.D.R.A. Facility we go.

Okay so I want you guys to tell me in the comment or send me a priv message :how do you imagine Steve and Alice in the 5 years separating Infinity War from Endgame. Are they living together? Married? Children? Do they stay in touch with Tony?All the relative stuff so that I can get ideas. Thank you:)

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