1: Fire in the Kitchen

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My peacefull existence (well not entirely peaceful if you count my unnurturing mother and entirely absent father) was finally given some amount of purpose. And that purpose was in the form of Davenport's Bionic Academy. Of course, I wasn't bionic, but it couldn't be that hard to get in could it? Well, as it turns out it is a lot harder than most would think.

Because as it turns out half of the reason for the academy was incorporating bionic teenagers with normal, everyday teenagers (something I am not) and there happens to be an application process for this everyday, normal teenager to get in. Which I was not. But I so desperately wish to leave this hellish shit hole. So, I have no choice.

"Hey, kiddo. What's up?" Douglas Davenport said over the phone.

"Is there anyway you can get me a spot in the academy your brothet is starting? I can't stay here anymore." I told him.

"We could always say you're bionic to explain your psionic powers." He offered.

"But what about the capsules? I'll be issued one, and I don't need it." I explained.

"Yeah, but it'll be easier to explain why you have a bef and not a capsule as a bionic than explaining that you're no normal teenager. Wait a second. My brother's here. Hey, Donny, someone found another one. What do you reckin we do with her?" Douglas called to his brother.

I don't know why, but the way he said it made me feel like I was Frankenstein's monster and he was Viktor Frankenstein. Or like I was a valuable piece of scrap metal, but worn out. But I knew that wasn't how it was going to be meant to be.

"Are you shitting me?" A voice that most definitely was not Douglas Davenport's younger brother, Donald Davenport.

"You know I don't know if I should be proud that you know a curse word or smack you for using one." Douglas commented. "Donnie!"

"What, Dougie?!" Donald Davenport yelled at his younger brother.

"Another bionic kid was found." Douglas told him.

"And your point?"

"She wants to come to the academy."

"She can come, Douglas."

"You hear that?"

"Yes, Douglas. I heard it. I heard the entire conversation. See you in two weeks." And with that I hung up.

I was going to get out of this house. Finally, no more of living in this place that I've compared to hell for years. Finally, a small sense of freedom. But I would have to endure the next two weeks with my mom against the idea of me leaving. The doorbell brought me out of my thoughts.

"[Y/N], can you get the door? Our guests are here!" My mom called out to me.

We were having guests tonight? Since when were we having guests for dinner? I walked down the stairs and opened the front door. Oh, that's why.

"Hello, [Y/N]. Is your mother still cooking?" Our neighbors, the Reardons, were here for dinner.

Ivy Reardon and her son, Blayne, were anything but pleasant. Maybe that was why these two always hanged out sith my mother. They were just as unpleasant as she was.

"I believe she is, I- Mrs Reardon." I said catching my almost mistake.

My mom would have a field day if I called her best friend her first name. Because I was raised to call every adult their last name. Because it's more formal. Because it shows respect. And it was how my mom wanted me to be. But there was one person I could get away with it, because she had no idea who that was. But Ivy Reardon was a horrible person.

As was my mother. Which I guess is the reason why the two of them were such close friends. Not to mention that they both wanted to make my life seemingly miserable. Just because.

"[Y/N], get away from the door! You're letting out all of the cool air out! Get in here and shut that stupid damn door!" my mother shouted form the kitchen.

"Yes, mom." I said closing the door after the Reardons came in.

"What did you say, dearie?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said treading lightly with my mother.

"[Y/N], come in here and begin serving our guests. Then, go upstairs and be alone. Like you're supposed to be." she told me.

Right. I was a freak. I was a freak in a world where freaks saved people. But they weren't freaks because they had a scientific explanation for their freakness. I didn't. I wan't given a bionic chip to give me superpowers. I wasn't bred to be bionic. I was simply born this way. With psychological powers ranging from telepathy and mind control to telekinesis and psycho-manipulation.

"Yes, ma'am." I said going to the kitchen to start plating the food.

"Blayne got into the Davenport Academy. We got his acceptance letter in the mail today." Ivy Reardon told my mother.

"Really? And you're okay with that? Him being surrounded by Freaks?" mom asked her.

"He's not going because of that. He's going because the egotistical Donald Davenport says the education is going to be the best of both public and private education. If it isn't, then I'm going to sue Donald Davenport, and he'll be home by Thanksgiving."

Ever since the bionic rats were found by the Government, society has been split into two groups. The pro-Bionics and the Anti-Bionics. The pro-bionics were for the bionics doing the jobs not meant for humans because they were deemed too dangerous and they wanted Bionics to be equal to us (since the government had taken away some of their freedom).

They were called the Bionicists. The Anti-Bionics were against them because they viewed them as freaks and seconded to machines. The Anti-Bionics didn't see them as humans, only robots, and that they were the governments way of oppressing the humans before the Bionics took over in a dictatorships. They wanted to strip the Bionic people of their rights, all of them.

They were called the Freak Incompasitators. Guess which one by mother fell into? She was was a very avid Anti-Bionic. Just like the entire Reardon clan. Which was why both parties despised my very existence.

"You are so fortunate to not be dealing with them anymore. While I'm still stuck with this freak. Right, [Y/N]? Dearie?" Mom said turning towards me.

"Actually, you may not be. I got an electronic acceptance letter today." I told her.

"Why didn't you inform me of this decision, dearie? The only good thing that can come out of it is that we finally snuff the freakishness out of you." mom sneered.

Maybe not quite, mom, but I'm not telling you why I'm not going to get it snuffed out of me. Because I can finally use my powers without you harping on my back. Without you punishing me for being this way. Sure, I was still going to lie about my powers, but now, I don't have to be quiet about it. I don't have to keep it a secret. I just hope that when the friends I was hoping to make at this new school find out, that they won't resent me like everyone in my life does.

Chapter 2: January 17, 2020 @ 19:00 EDT

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