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Jesse is sitting on his bed, staring out the window. Stripes of gold glare through the blinds and land on Jesse's face. There is a small park right opposite his house, and a few kids are running up the slides, sliding down one by one. Laughter floats through the air, birds chirping.

Jesse looks at his legs. They are stiff and lifeless, lying on the bed. He puts both hands behind him and props himself up.

"It's Saturday." Jacob leans against the door frame.

"I know." Jesse's gaze stays still at the window. His eyes squint a bit as the rays of sun hovers over his eyes.

Jacob looks out the window as well. "You going out?"

Jesse mumbles, "Don't know." He sits straight up and starts moving his legs to the side of the bed using his right arm.

"Let me help you," says Jacob.

Jesse waves his hand in the air. "Nah, I can do it."

Jacob stares at Jesse. Jesse swings his right leg, then left leg. He is sitting on the edge of the bed now. He reaches the wheelchair, puts one arm on the bed and another on the wheelchair seat, and pushes himself up. Jesse glances at Jacob, who's still standing at the door, and as soon as Jesse meets his older brother's gaze, Jacob looks away immediately.

It is totally fine for Jacob to stare, actually. It does not hurt Jesse anymore, and it seems like Jacob suffers even more just by looking at how difficult getting out of bed is for Jesse. Jesse transfers himself into the wheelchair and wheels out the room.

"Where are you going?" Jacob raises his voice.

"TV," says Jesse.

Jacob sighs. He follows Jesse behind and goes to the kitchen.

"Jesse!" A five-year-old girl rushes to Jesse and climbs up into his lap. She wears her bronze hair as two pigtails with bangs. She has large, beautiful hazel eyes with long lashes.

"What up Rosie." Jesse tickles the girl and she starts giggling.

She is Jesse's youngest sister. He remembers that the day Rosie was born is the happiest day in his life, seeing an adorable baby girl through the glass window in the hospital, imagining how amazing it would be to spend his whole life with her. Till this day, she is still cute and for some reason, Jesse is her favourite sibling.

Rachel is there too, sitting on the couch on her phone. Her brunette brown hair is tied into a long and wavy ponytail with long bangs covering her forehead. Her lips are crimson as her smokey eyeshadows match them, thin and pink blush blending with her cheeks.

She is twenty one and is going to graduate from college soon. She has an amazing boyfriend whom their parents love, and it is rare that Rachel is at home on a weekend, as she is always either on a date or busy with school.

"Do you want to be my first patient?" Rosie asks.

"Ohh so you're a doctor now." Jesse laughs and pinches her nose.

Rosie frowns and lets go of Jesse. She climbs down and reaches the purple toy stethoscope. She places it on Jesse's chest. "You are very healthy."

"Thank you, doctor. When should I come back?" Jesse's grin widens and he leans towards her.

Her face twists and she puts her right hand under her chin. "UM... fifteen minutes later."

Jesse holds her small and round face into his hands. "You're so cute."

Rosie smiles slyly and turns her body towards Jesse. "Thank you."

Jesse grins and kisses her on her cheeks. Rosie kisses him back. Rosie turns back and leans against Jesse's lap.

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