Act I: the Beginning

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The scene begins with the introduction of Tulila, her brother Tuky'ko and her sister at a time when they were close with each other(Viva La Vida). Now years later in the wake of her sisters death the only female heir responsible of taking over as Queen Tulila is promised to the peasant Ke'hani although she doesn't love him. However days before her scheduled wedding she starts questioning the ways of being a demon in the world she lives in(Pompeii). The next night she escapes and runs off into the woods and manages to make it to the outskirts of town before she is discovered to be missing by her stepmother and father the morning after(because of you). When she reaches the deep part of the forest and sees a line separating something from her world and decides to see beyond the point (paradise). When she crosses the line she enters into a strange land where everyone is the opposite of the people in her kingdom(wonderland). After entering she runs into an old woman and realizes that it's her mother who was presumed dead by her father. Her mother takes her in with her and her wife Emieta and their daughter Mad'ya. After seeing each other for the first time in years, Mira (Tulila's mother) tells her daughter that she never gave up hope that one day they would find each other again(this love). Afterward, her mother and new sister attempt to hide the fact that Tulila is from the demonic world while going through the transformation Tulila tells Mad'ya about the hardships she faces in the demon world(Demons/fix you). After turning her into an undercover angel the three women show Tulila around their world, but while walking around Tulila bumps into an angel named Cayden who sees her fall down and tries to help her up and notices that she wasn't like the other girls in his world and immediately falls in love with her(a moment like this). The next night Cayden tries to persuade Lila(Tulila) to spend the next few nights with him (Bring me to life). One night while in the woods Cayden tells Lila about the hardships he faced in his life and she does the same thing with him as she tells him that the demon world isn't all that it's cracked up to be(you say). The next few nights Lila and Cayden grow closer together and that night he decides to lay everything in front of Lila and tell her that he loves her(Chasing Cars). The next night when they meet up for what seems like the last night she tells him that she's not what she says she is and reveals herself to him and asks if he can love her even with her flaws(secrets). After she tells him her real identity Cayden decides that he will love her no matter who or what she is(unconditionally). before they meet up again, Johnathan Cayden's older brother seems to think that the girl that his little brother is seeing can mean trouble to the family since he is already engaged to Elmira. However, what John doesn't know is that Cayden and Elmira ended their engagement weeks prior to meeting Tulila (some nights). When Cayden is found in the woods near the border by one of the council members it makes trouble more aroused in the kingdom and when the member sees that Lila has crossed over and that this must be taken to the council. That night Lila tells Cayden that she is willing to love him for his flaws as well as he is willing to love her for her flaws(Mirrors). Cayden is happy and excited to learn that Lila shares the same feelings he does, but he is also worried that the Council will tear them apart, but Lila reassures him that something like that will never happen (you'll be in my heart). With that in his mind the next night Cayden and Lila meet at their usual spot in the woods, he tells her that he's loved her ever since the day he laid eyes on her(take my breath away). After he tells her how he feels she tells him about how from the day she met him she wanted a future with him even though they've known each other a few nights, and she even wants to marry him(Somewhere only we know).Then she tells him that the night before she saw something that scared her into thinking that they will be separated soon and that she doesn't care as long as he does her a favor for her that night (keep your eyes open). The next day Cayden is told by his brother that Lila was taken and put in one of the holding cells and that she needs to be put on trial in the following three days for alleged treason against her kingdom (Bad blood). However, when Cayden goes to see her he is informed that she escaped to the forest where she and Cayden spent the previous night. However, when she nearly reaches the border she is captured and the scene ends with her being knocked out and the lighting goes black. (Run boy Run)

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