act 1 part 4

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(mirrors starts playing its first verse as Cayden and Tulila start singing and dancing with each about how much they love each other flaws in all. During the climax they both sing about how much they've fallen for each other & towards the end they kiss)

Tulila: I've never been this happy (pause) in my love

Cayden: me neither (pause and looks worried)

Tulila: (notices that Cayden is looking worried) sweetie what's wrong?

Cayden: I'm just worried what if the council find out about us?

Tulila: why is that a bad thing? (pause) and why do you care what they think?

Cayden: because they might tear us apart and (pause) I don't want to lose you (grabs Tulila by the waist and kisses her)

Tulila: (wraps her arms around his neck) Cayden that'll never happen (pause) I'll be with you no matter what.

(You'll be in my heart starts playing as Tulila starts to tell Cayden that no matter what stands in their way they will always be together. during the climax they both sing about how they think both of their societies are broken and their willing to change for one another. At the end they decide to keep each other in their hearts as they finish dancing.)

(the scene changes to the next night as Cayden and Tulila meet at their usual spot and as they meet Cayden lays all his cards on the table.)

Cayden: hey Tulila I know you love me for me but you need to know that

Tulila: I've loved you from the moment I met you

Cayden: really?

Tulila: you have

Cayden:(both) I honestly have

Tulila: (both) I honestly have

Cayden: come on

Tulila: Let's take a walk.

(they start dancing as Take my breath away starts to play as they realize they're the only two people in the world at this moment in time. During the song they start to dance around woods. As the song ends they embrace and kiss one another)

Tulila: Cayden can I tell you something

Cayden: Tulila I've wanted to say this since the day I met you and I was waiting for the right time so here it goes

Tulila: what are you (notices Cayden pulling out the flower from his pocket that he gave her on their first date.) Oh my God Cayden.

Cayden: Tulila ever since I met you I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and I don't see any other time to ask you this with something I found in your sister's jewelry box from a few years ago (pause) So let me just say this with all my heart that I love you and you make me so happy that my heart would just stop beating if you weren't not living, but what I'm trying to say is that (pause) give me your hand (gets down on one knee) Tulila you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Will you do me the honor and make me the happiest angel alive (uses his magic to open the flower and reveal her sister's Claddagh ring) and marry me tomorrow tonight because there's no way I Could ever be without you and I want to be with you until the day you or I meet our death.

Tulila: yes

Cayden: yes, what?

Tulila: yes, Cayden (pause) yes I'll marry you tomorrow tonight.

Cayden: You will (pause starts to get up and kisses her.) Really?

Tulila: Really, yes absolutely, of course or anything else that means yes

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