demonic love act 1 part 1 script

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Music starts playing- [La Viva Vida]

[Present day Cadriel enters downstage left as he starts his monologue]

Cadriel: It's been 7 years since I left my old realm to become a soldier in my new home and I've never looked back. Everything that I did I made sure that I put the same effort I did when I ws with them. 

[Between verses Cadriel rememebers everything that he went through with his late lover Tulila.]

Cadriel: but no matter what I do, no matter where i go the memories of her always catch up with me, and all the stories she told me about how when she and her siblings would play together 

 [Young Tuky'ko, Mad'ya, and Tulila enter centerstage right and start to play with each other as the ghost of Tulila joins Cadriel upstage left during which the following years are filled out as Mad'ya, Tuky'ko, and Tulila enter downstage right as they go through Mad'ya's life from her wedding day to her eventual death. The set changes to tulila and tuky'ko as they are getting ready for Mad'ya's funeral]

[Tuky'ko enters downstage right into Tulila's bedroom as she's still grieving over her sister] 

Tuky'ko: [opens Tulila's door to find her in tears over her sister's death.] you ready [walks over to Tulia and tries to comfort her]

Tulila:  [upset] Why didn't she talk to us? Why didn't she tell me her life wasn't as beautiful as we thought? why didn't she come and talk to me?

Tuky'ko: [uncertain] I don't know(gives her a hug) all I know is that I'm sure everything is going to be okay (pause) i promise you that sis. 

[tuky'ko leaves downstage right, and Tulila gets up from her chair and joins cayden as the scene jumps to the 14th day before her wedding and Present day Tulila is trying on her wedding dress for her arranged marriage to Ke'hani]

[present day Tulila is brought in centerstage as the set changes to the palor in the castle]

Father: (opens the door to see Tulila in her wedding dress in the parlor) ah (pause) my darling daughter you look stunning. (walks Around her in amazement) just beautiful as your mother did on her wedding day.

Tulila: (hesitant) father are you sure there's no way out of this, do I have to do this, are you sure there isn't another way.

(Elmira enters stage right) 

Elmira: I was walking by and (sees Tulila in her dress) oh honey you look amazing in that dress. (sees the expression on her face) what's wrong sweetheart

Tulila: (while looking out the window) mom don't ever think that there's something calling you to be something more than what you're expected to do.

Father: look sweetie (puts his hand on her shoulder) as much as we want to help, there's just no way out of this. I'm sorry honey (hugs his daughter) we'll give you a minute alright.

(Father and Elmira leave the room to go talk to Ke'hani's parents about wedding as they exit  stage left)

Tulila: (when both her parents leave the room she pulls up her sleeve and looks down at the scars form her fiance and starts to cry) (while trying to hold the tears back she starts questioning her role in the world she lives in) There's gotta be a way out of this. (looks out the window and sees the woods and hears the music in the distance) 

(Tuky'ko and Ke'hani are talking as the set changes to the hall next to the parlor as they discuss the upcoming events) (Tuky'ko and Ke'hani enter upstage right) 

Ke'hani: do you think that Tulila's excited to be marrying me? 

Tuky'ko: i'm sure she is (sees his sister is a little hesitant) I'll talk to you later okay 

Demonic love (a jukebox musical)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora