Act 1 script part 3

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Cayden: what is it?

Tulila: I'm not what I say I am 

Cayden: I know what you are & I'm not ashamed of it 

Tulila: it's no that 

Cayden: what do you mean 

Tulila: my world isn't like your world (pause) it's much different my this world

Cayden: why do you say that when I've haven't even seen your world

Tulila: I mean (shows him the scars on her arm) you're not the only on whose suffered. This is what i am.

Cayden: I had no idea you were 

Tulila: how could you be falling for a loser who runs away from her own wedding because she's scared?

Cayden: Because  you trust me & I trust you & that's all that matters

Tulila: are you sure?

Cayden; yeah I'm sure.

(you say starts to play when Tulila and Cayden are staring to falling love with one another. During the song Tulila shares insecurities with Cayden. During the climax Cayden starts to realize that Tulila's the girl he wants. At the end of the song Cayden walks with Tulila to her bedroom window.)

Cayden: that was amazing & brave of you to open up to me like that 

Tulila: let's just say that things aren't all fun & games for the both of us huh?

Cayden: apparently (pulls out a flower from his pocket and puts it in her hair) here it's for you. I meant to give it to you last night.

Tulila: what is it?

Cayden: take a look (sees an old mirror and makes it reflect again to show Tulila the flower in her hair.)

Tulila: (sees the flower and is completely shocked in love with the flower.) oh Cayden (pause) It's beautiful.

Cayden: (stands behind her and wraps his arms around her and tries to use his magic to heal her) I thought you'd love it (pause) it's just like you Tulila. (wallks Tulila back to her bedroom window and creates a cloud to carry her up to her window) I'll see you tomorrow night

Tulila: See you tomorrow night (kisses cayden)

(When both Cayden and Tulila get home)

John: hey where were you tonight?

Mad'ya: hey where were you tonight?

Cayden: I was with Ellie

Tulila: I was taking a walk

John: I hope you weren't with that demon

Cayden: Why? I love her

John: she's not your fiance Cayden it's unethical of our kind

Cayden: well i love & she may love me and that's all that matters 

John: you love only because she's a princess from another world and that's a disgrace to our world

Cayden: I don't care about what this world thinks about her. I love her for her 

John: and does she love you for you 

Cayden: I'll find out tomorrow because I'm going to see her that night

John: no your not

Cayden: Oh yes I am and you can't stop me 

John: Oh yes I can

Cayden: no you can't you are not Dad or Mother

John: I'm your Brother Cayden you have to listen to me 

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