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*Kevin's POV*

Sitting in the main living room of the mission hut surrounded by people I barely know is kind of a weird feeling. I have no idea where Arnold even is. Everyone starts to make there way to their own rooms. It was only 9:20, but I guess old routines stick. No one is left in the room so I make my way to mine and Arnold's room. Everything that had happened today was so strange but incredible. I look around to see if Arnold is in the room.

"Hey Arn'. You in here?" I quietly announce to the room that appears to be empty. He must have went to see Naba again. I shut the door and hit the light switch. I start to change into my pajamas.

I'm gonna have the worst hell dream tonight. I know that I shouldn't still be having them, but I was raised Mormon for 19 years, it's hard to not have them after doing anything remotely wrong. I slowly take off my shirt when I hear a knock on my room door.

"Come in!" I say. I hear the door open. I Pull on another shirt. Elder McKinley is standing in the door. Just standing there in shock. Weird.

"Um Elder Price. I was just doing checks to make sure that everyone was okay. After what happened today, just so strange. Don't get me wrong, this is amazing... but still." He quickly turned his face towards the ground.

"You don't have to call me Elder Price anymore. My name's Kevin." I start to take off my black pants but then remember that I don't know Elder McKinley that well.

"Oh, well my name's Connor. Sorry if I intruded on anything." He finally speaks up. "Well I have to check on the other elders. See you later." Elder McKinley says quickly leaving the room and shutting the door. He must be shy. I finish changing and turn off the light. I crawl into bed and look out the window. Only wondering what could come of this mission.

6:30 am
I hear the sound of the loud alarm go off. I groggily start to get out of bed. The morning light beaming into the room. I look over to see Arnold peaceful sleeping in his own bed. I could tell he came in through the window since it was slightly opened and the stack of books that was underneath it had a footprint on it. I walk over to Arnold.

"Hey buddy, get up." I give him a slight shake.

"Go away mom." He mumbles turning his back towards me.

"Arnold I'm not your mother. Now get up." I say slightly louder.

"Okay okay." He starts to sit up and yawns.

"Good morning!" I say. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a clean pair of pants and a shirt.

"Why are we up so early? We're not even part of the church anymore." Arnold stares at me with large eyes.

"Well, the other elders seem to be doing this, so we should too." I respond heading to the bathroom. I change out of my pajamas and start to brush my hair. It has to be perfect. I finally leave the bathroom after brushing my teeth and throw my clothes in my room. I hear chatter amongst the other elders.

"Oh good morning Elder Price!" Elder Davis says to me with a smile.

"Did you sleep well?" Elder Poptarts adds.

"I did. Thanks for asking." I answer their questions and take a seat next to Elder Neeley.

"Okay is everyone here?" Elder Mcki- Connor says. Arnold is the last to enter the room right as Connor stops talking. He takes a seat next to Elder Church. "Today I thought that we could all introduce ourselves by our first names, and then just plan how we're going to live for the next two years!" How was he always so cheerful? I wish I could be like that.

Everyone introduces themselves. Elder Thomas (Poptarts) is named Chris, Elder Church; James, Neeley; Nathan, Michaels; Derek, and Davis; Cooper.

"So are we going to keep our old rooms. I mean we can share with anyone we want right?" Derek asks.

"Yeah Derek, Nathan, and I all have known each other since forever." Cooper adds.

"Would it be okay if we did that? I mean unless you want me to stay with you James." Nathan says.

"No you guys can bunch together. I can just share a room with Chris and Connor maybe." James replies.

"So we'll have Chris, James and I in one room. Derek, Nathan, and Cooper in another. And Kevin and Arnold can just keep their old room!" Connor says acting as though he made the solution. Arnold looks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

We all got to work. Pushing beds into other rooms and redecorating our new ones. After that hour of organized chaos, we went back into the living room for a final meeting.

"So our last topic that we need to cover is what we are going to be doing. Obviously we are going to be showing the Ugandan people 'The Book of Arnold'. We already have several supporters. So all I can say is just keep doing what you guys are doing." Connor says. He still is the one who is in charge.

The other elders start to pair off. James and Chris head out to the village. Cooper, Derek, and Nathan want to go out exploring the land. Arnold left to go see Naba. Only Connor and I stayed at the house.

*Connor's POV*

Only Kevin and I are left in the house. I've only known him for the past few weeks but I think I am starting to get to know him better. Obviously I know Chris the best, but that was besides the point. I feel that today is going to be awkward for me though. Yesterday I saw Kevin without a shirt on. His figure looked so strong and- nope turn it OFF! I hope Kevin didn't notice anything.

"So Kevin," I break the silence, "why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself. I don't know you as well as the other recruits, so I thought that we could talk." He looks up from the chair that he is sitting in. Those brown eyes are tempting me so much. What are you thinking Connor! You barely know this guy. Get to know him first.

"Well there isn't much to know about me. I always tried to be perfect. In EVERYTHING that I did. I just had a family that put a lot of pressure on me, and now I'm here." He says cooly.

"Oh that can't be true. Here I'll tell you some things about me. I love talking with people, theatre, I love sweet foods, and I LOVE style." I say gushes over all the things I love. He chuckles a little.

"Well I can agree with some of those things. I do love sweet things. I would like to think that I'm confident. I absolutely love animals. My favorite color is teal. I love to sing-." He stops talking. "You weren't supposed to know that last one. Please don't tell anyone, no one knows. Not even Arnold." Kevin blushes

"Oh it's okay," I start to whisper, "I love to sing too." I had never told anyone that. So why would I tell him? My face turns red.

"Well anyways, I should probably head out and start sharing 'The Book of Arnold'." Kevin explains with a laugh. He gets up and walks out the door. It is nice to watch him leave- NO CONNOR TURN IT OFF! ˡⁱᵏᵉ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ˢʷⁱᵗᶜʰ

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