We will be okay

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*Kevin's POV*

I feel my breathing slow, everything is blurry. I hate that word, General, I still have bad memories from that time.

"What do you mean a new general?" Connor ask with fear in his voice.

"There were these guys, with guns, and-and they told us that we need to get used to them and their general." James explains. Chris hides behind James.

"What does that mean for us?" Cooper asks.

"Should we leave?" Nathan says.

"No, we can't leave the Ugandan people. They have nowhere to go." I say. I can't believe that this is happening. It is not safe at all for us to stay here, but the Ugandans, this is their home. They can't do anything.

"Oh gosh! I need to go see Nutella!" Arnold exclaims racing towards the door. Derek steps in front of the door.

"Arnold I can't let you leave." Derek says.

"Why not! I have to make sure that she's okay!"

"It's not safe Arnold." James says. Arnold pouts and sits down on the couch.

"What are we going to do?" Chris says. The poor little guy looks so scared.

"Guys, lets just stay in here and maybe watch a movie!" Connor says cheerfully. God he is always so positive, I have no idea how he does it.

"That sounds good. Let's do that." Cooper says. I walk over to the shelf that the movies are held on.

"What should we watch?" I say, looking through the movies.

"How about something scary?" James says.

"We used to be Mormon missionaries. What scary movies do you think there are?" I ask.

"I have some..." Derek says. He goes back to his room and pulls out 3 of the Saw Movies.

"Okay we'll watch these I guess." I say. I put the first movie in and sat with my back against the couch on the floor. Chris flicked the lights off and everyone sat down. Connor took his seat next to me.

Everything was pretty normal as far watching a scary movie goes. One thing did catch me off guard: At one point in the movie it was starting to get very gory, Connor buried his face into my shoulder. I didn't know what to do, I kind of just sat there. It wasn't the worst thing ever, to be honest it was kind of nic—- no Kevin stop it! He then removed his head and looked back at the TV. We finally finished the movie and everyone went back to their rooms. Arnold had snuck out during the movie to see Nabalungi. Connor and I were the only ones left in the living room.

"Hey um, I'm sorry about what I did during the movie..." He spoke. He turned his face to the ground, a blush spread across his face.


"You know, when I..."

"Oh that. Oh it's fine don't worry about it."

"I just don't like horror movies, I'm sorry." He explained. I made sure to keep a mental note of that.

"Oh. Well. Uh."

"Yeah." We both just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Hey Connor, what are we going to do... about everything."

"Well, after our two years, I guess we will leave."

"But what if bad things start happening. What are we going to do?"

"We will be okay. I will make sure of it."

"Are you sure? How are we even supposed to get home? What if we get hurt? What if-" He cut me off,

"I don't know! Okay Kevin. I just don't know anymore. I'm sacred too." He says sitting on the couch and putting his face in his hands. I take a seat next to him.

"Look, I'm sure we'll all be fine. Don't worry. You're an amazing district leader." I say, putting my hand on his back.

"I just don't know anymore Kevin. Ever since we got shut down, I just don't see the point anymore."

"What point?"

"The point of-"

"GUYS THIS ISN'T GOOD!" Arnold yelling bursting through the door, causing me to quickly stand up. Everyone comes out of their rooms.

"What happened?" Chris says.

"Those people, I heard them talking, they said that we are going to be under their control now."

"What? Arnold what do you mean?" Connor asks.

"They said that this village is pathetic and needs to be fixed." Arnold explains.

"What do we do?" James asks. There is a knock at the door.

"Let me in!" A female voice says. Arnold opens the door. It's Nabalungi and her father, Mafala. Mafala is limping.

"Mafala what happened to you?" Arnold asks him.

"It's nothing, I just stepped on a piece of glass... but that isn't what we are here for. The other soldiers are taking the villagers. I do not think it is safe for you to stay here any longer." Mafala explains.

"Oh, Mr. Hatimbi let me help you with that glass." Connor says quickly going to his side.

"Wait, we have to leave?" Derek asks.

"I think that we all need to leave." Naba says.

"Where are we supposed to go?" I ask.

"Anywhere but here." Naba says. Just then there's another knock at the door, but much louder this time. No one opens the door at first. But then Chris goes over and opens it. It is three of the soldiers.

"Well, look what we have here. Some of those Jesus people." One of them says.

"Why are you here?" A second one asks Chris.

"Oh, uh uh , um." Chris mumbles. James steps in front of him.

"We are to spread Arnoldism. We are not from here. Now what do you guys want?" James says.

"We are here to take back this stupid village." The first one says again.

"We are taking all of the villagers back to our village." The third one finally speaks up.

"You can't do this." I say.

"Oh really why not?" The second one was stepping closer to me. I feel swear start to drip down my face.

"Hey! The general says we've done enough for today. It's time to head back." A man from outside yells.

"You should be so lucky." The soldier who was standing right next to me says. They all leave and James quickly closes the door.

"What are we going to do!" Nathan says.

"We need to leave!" Cooper joins in.

"And go where?" James says.

"Listen we can figure this out. Everyone just stay calm and I'll be right back." Connor says. He starts to bring Mafala to the bathroom to help his foot.

"We should probably call our parents..." I say.

"What about Naba and Mafala! They can't stay here!" Arnold says.

"Maybe they can apply for a visa. Their country is under war..." Derek says.

"A visa? What is that?" Naba asks.

"It allows you to live in a different country." Chris explains.

"How do we get one?" Naba says, getting more invested in the idea. Well I guess making a plan on how to get everyone to America is in order.

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