Turning Sour

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*Kevin's POV*

"Okay, just stay calm Arnold. I'm sure that Naba is okay." I say, trying to sooth Arnold.

"There have been gunshots Kevin! What if she's hurt!" Arnold yells.

"Arnold stay quiet. We don't want them to find us." I hush Arnold quickly. Then I hear are footsteps entering the mission hut.

"Where are those American idiots!" A deep voice yells. A door is then thrown open.

"Looks like we found one." Another voice says.

"Please, don't hurt me." A voice shakily says. Wait, that's Connor. Oh no. Oh no no no no. A loud bang sound fills my ears. I quick open the door.

"Kevin wait!" Arnold calls after me. It's too late, I'm already making my way to the next room over. I see Connor lying on the floor, bleeding.

"Connor no!" I say, waking up in a panic. I feel myself covered in sweat.

"Kevin, are you okay?" Arnold asks me, turning on the light on his nightstand.

"Yeah, um, I'm okay.... just.. bad dream." I explain, slowly calming down.

"Oh, okay... well I hope you can get back to sleep." He says, turning off the light.

"Okay... thanks. Goodnight."


I lay back down, trying to get to sleep, but it's just not working. I quietly grab my sketchbook/songbook from my drawer. I open to the newest page and start to sketch the first thing on my mind. I finish in 10 minutes. Hm, it looks like Connor... I guess it's because he just got shot in my dream. I put the book back away and lie back down. I close my eyes and slowly fall back to sleep.
I look around and see an empty bed next to me.
I guess Arnold went to go see Naba. I look over to my right and see an alarm clock. It's 7:30. I guess I slept in late, but that doesn't really mater anyways. I quickly got up and got dressed into the Mormon attire. I walk out into the living room to see everyone but Connor there.

"Looks like someone chose to sleep in." James said, Chris practically asleep on his side.

"I'm sorry guys... I just had a bad dream last night." I explained.

"Yeah... we know." Derek states.

"What?" I ask.

"We heard you yelling..." Cooper speaks up. I feel my face heat up.

"Well anyways...back to what I saying," Nathan says, "I talked to my parents... and um. I'm leaving in three days." Everyone breaks out into scattered talking.

"You can't just leave us Nathan!" Arnold shrieks.

"I'm sorry guys... it's just, it's not very safe here. Also my brother is having severe mental health issues." Nathan says.

"It's okay Nate. I should probably tell you guys that Derek and I are going to leave here soon too..." Cooper speaks up.

"What! Why is everyone leaving me!" Arnold says.

"I'm sorry Arnold, it just isn't safe here anymore. I think that we should all try to leave." Derek answers Arnold, calmly put his arm on Arnold's.

"What about the Ugandans?" James asks. Chris then wakes up and quickly scoots away from James, with a red face.

"James, what could we to do to help them anyway?" Cooper asks.
*Connor's POV*

"Okay well, what are we going to do for now, since I can't get into the country just yet?" Naba asks me. I feel so awful for her.

"I don't know, but I promise I am going to help you figure it out." I say, grabbing her hand.

"I'm just nervous about staying here... and baba. He told me he will not leave, but he wants me to go and have a future." She explains, starting to tear up.

"Oh sweetheart, it's okay." I say, pulling her close to me.
*3 days later, Kevin's POV*

Nathan, Cooper, and Derek all got on the same flight and are leaving for home today. We had a small 'goodbye party'. Since they are leaving we changed where are rooms are. Chris and James still shared a room. Then Naba moved in and is staying where I was staying... which meant Connor and I shared a room now. I have been wanting to get to know him better.

"So uh, do you have any siblings?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I have two sisters. What about you?" He asks me in reply.

"Oh, just one younger brother." I say.

"Hey, what's in that book?" He says, eyeing my sketchbook.

"Oh... just some sketches."

"Can I see?"

"Is rather you not.."

"Come on. Just let me get a look!" He says, walking towards me. Before I can even react, he grabs the book from me. He flips through a few pages and hands it back to me, a slightly blushed face.

"They look nice."

"Um, thank you."
*Connor's POV*

"Yeah no problem. I'm gonna, go take a walk." I say to him. I grab my coat and head out the door. I feel the somewhat cool air of the night. Why did those sketches look like me? And so many lyrics about being confused? Is he also gay- I mean, not that I am... but maybe he is.
I walk down through the town that I have called home for about 3 and a half months. After about 20 minutes of walking I headed back to the mission hut. I opened the door and saw Kevin reading a book on the couch. With glasses on.

"I didn't know you had glasses." I say. Kevin quickly turned around taking off his glasses, with a little blush on his face.

"You should keep them on, they look cute... wait- that's. I didn't mean-"

"It's okay I get what you mean. Thank you. I like your coat. Its nice"

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna, head to bed now."

"Yeah me too"

"Um... well goodnight"

"Goodnight, Kevin."

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