You too?

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*Chris's POV*

As James and I walk through the little village everything seems perfect. Just this once. I do love hanging out with Connor, but James is like a breath of fresh air. I remember sitting next to him on the plane here. Connor, James, and I all shared a row, while Nathan, Derek, and Cooper sat in another. Those kids have known each other forever. Connor hates planes, so he took Xanax to clam him down. He fell asleep soon after. That's when I had my chance to get to know James. I always knew of him because he was at my church, but I never knew him well. These past three months with him have been great. He is funny, kind, caring, intelligent, brave, courageous, thoughtful, and just great to be around.

"So, what are your thoughts about leaving the church?" James asks as we pass the market.

"Well... I'm kinda glad to be out of the church. I never felt like I could be 100% myself." I reply. I rethink what I said and look at the ground. A slight blush consuming my face.

"I know what you mean." He says in a smooth and clam voice. He pats me on my back. I feel a flutter in my stomach.

"How so?" I blurt out without thinking.
"Oh wait- James I'm sorry... that was rude you don't have to explain-." I sputter the words out. My face now covered by a deep red.

"Oh no it's okay. But I just always felt like I had to hide certain things about me." James answered me with a small smile before looking forwards again. Who allowed him to be so adorable?

"Hey why don't we go somewhere else? I have a really cool spot. And I don't think the other elders will care much."  There was this place on a hill with a canopy of trees giving lots of shade. A nice patch of grass and flowers all around. Connor and I stumbled upon it when we were trying to interest people in the church.

"Wow asking me on a date after three months? I thought it would be sooner." James laughs. I have a blank face, my heart racing. He sees my discomfort.
"Chris you alright, I-i was just joking." He says.

"Oh yeah, I um I'm, gayyyyreat, great. I'm great, fine yeah. Um let's go" I am the least smooth person that I know.

We walk the trail without speaking. I do happen to notice him glance at me a few times. Why is his black hair so perfect? Those glasses!!! He is so cute! We finally make it to the spot and I throw my bag down. It is filled with 'The Book of Arnold' and a box of poptarts (incase I get hungry). I sit down and James sits down next to me. A little close I might add.

"It's beautiful up here Chris." James says flashing me a small smile before looking at the village.

"James, can I ask you something?" I say breaking the silence.

"Sure what is it?" He responds turning to me. His little glasses sitting on his nose.

"What are your thoughts about um, the gay community?" I ask without thinking.

"Well, I support them 100%, considering I'm.." He stops talking and turns away from me. His face covered in a scarlet tint.

"You're what?" I quietly ask.

"I-i can't. I cant tell you Chris. I haven't told anyone." James says.

"James you can tell me anything. I know I've only known you for three months, but I would never tell anyone anything you told me." Wow Chris could you be more obvious? James smiles gently at me.

"Well, I um. I'm uh- gay." He quietly whispered the word "gay". I felt my heart beat faster. No Chris just because he's gay doesn't mean that he likes you.

"YOU TOO??" I say much louder than I mean to.

"Wait, you're also gay? Finally someone else I can talk to guys about!" James happily exclaims. I feel my stomach drop. Of course he doesn't like me. Who would?

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