Was it more than that?

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*Connor's POV*

My jaw drops at what I see in front of me. James has his arm around Chris and they are both clearly drunk. They are both laughing and stumbling.

"Where were you too? I was worried sick!" I say much louder then I meant to. They both sit down on the couch, James sitting and Chris laying across him.

"We were having fun!!!!" Chris exclaimed. James started laughing and put his arm under Chris's back to support him. They would be extremely cute together.

"Okay, okay. Let's get you guys back to bed. Nathan help me out." I say grabbing Chris and helping him walk back to our room, while Nathan does the same with James.

"Lay him down in the bed next to the window." I say to Nathan. I lay Chris down on the middle bed. They both start sleeping.

"They're a cute couple." Nathan says.

"I'm not sure that they're dating." I respond.

"Well they should. They would be cute together." Nathan explained.

"I don't think that they're gay." I say back. Although I do have my suspicions.

"Well, we should let them sleep. They look hammered." Nathan speaks up. I nod and I shut the door as we both exit into the living room. Kevin is standing in a door way, while Derek, Cooper, and Arnold are sitting on the couch.

"Are they okay?" Arnold says.

"Yeah, they're fine now. I think we should leave them alone for now." I say, sitting in one of the chairs. There isn't much else to do so Kevin starts reading, while the other three start playing 'go fish'. I just decide to watch them. As the three are playing, I notice my gaze fall upon Kevin. His hair is so perfect, and he is really nicely built- I am cut off by my thoughts when Kevin makes eye contact with me. A blush spreads across my face. Gosh Connor! You need to turn these feelings off! I look over at the clock to distract my thoughts. It's only 8:38. Very early, but I'm tired.

"I'm gonna head off to bed guys. Goodnight." I say standing up.

"Goodnight Connor!" Arnold says.

"Goodnight!" Derek and Cooper both say.

"Goodnight con-or." Kevin says, a slight blush across his face. I ignore it. I make my way back to Chris, James, and I's room. I open the door and see that Chris had moved over to James's bed and they are now cuddling. They are very cute together! Maybe I should leave them alone?  I decide to Kevin's and Arnold's room. I grab my pillow and blanket. All the other elders still seem to be in the living room. I slowly open the door.

"Hello? Arnold?" I hear Kevin say. Heck.

"Oh, uh no. It's Connor." I reply. I shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" (Jason asked me to—) Kevin asks.

"Well Chris and James were cuddling in a bed together so I decided to give them some room." I explain setting my blanket and pillow on the ground, "is it okay if I sleep here for tonight?"

"Yeah that's fine. James and Chris are a cute couple." Kevin answers.

"Yeah they are." I say back.

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