☕️Hanahaki!Aesop Carl - Yellow Roses

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Oofie oofers

Yknow how much I l̶o̶v̶e̶ hate Hanahaki AUs?? So much angst and sadness and r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶e̶a̶b̶l̶e̶n̶e̶s̶s̶!

Well my boiz, dis is a fairly short one so sorry if y'all wanted more (';ω;')


Aesop's POV

          Another cough ripped its way through my throat, and the familiar canary yellow petals flurries down into the dirty sink, speckled with blood.

It hurts.

This has never happened to me before, so why now? I thought that I would have never loved anyone, anything, besides a hyper focus on my job of assisting the dead.

'What am I to do?'

As the water trinkled down and rinsed out the tainted flowers into the drain, my mind was scattered, trying to come up with ideas to fix this problem. Something clicked in my head.

'(Y/N) would know what to do.'

          "I... I think I might like Emma."

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes widened a noticeable amount, and she went silent for a short moment. The rusting of the mint green spring leaves emanated a calming aura, contrasting my anxiety ridden self, gripping the edges of my flint grey suit. Sweat beaded down my forehead. (Y/N)'s face morphed into a gentle smile, she belonged with the peaceful works of Mother Nature, the sun beaming down on her (S/T) complexion, giving a golden heavenly glow.

"That's great Aesop! Now you won't be as lonely!"

My nerves calmed slightly after hearing the supportive words that came from her mouth.

"But I have Hanahaki."

Too bad that feeling didn't last. The leaves stopped rustling, the sun stopped shining. A shadow casted over my sullen face, caused by my head leaning downwards, unable to look at my friend. (Y/N)'s expression changed into a frown, and her brows furrowed in deep thought. Suddenly, her hands latched onto my shoulders, and she spoke,

"I'm going to help you get with Emma."

My cloudy eyes darted like lightning to to align with hers. It was quite humorous, my sorrow and pitiful gaze against hers which were burning with a determination that no other could match.

"But how?"

"I'll find a way, just wait and see."

          A few days had passed by since then, and the disease has only worsened. The crimson stained flowers that taunted my ever seeping sanity decorated the sink disappointingly like a forgotten birthday party. I wiped the excess residue off my mouth and slipped on my porcelain white mask.

'Better get moving.'

(Y/N) had told me to meet up in the garden, though with no further explanation, I was quite confused. I stepped out the door, and walked down the dreary long hallway, or was the disease just getting to my brain? It didn't matter, as I had already reached my destination whilst my negative thoughts aimlessly plagued my mind. I opened the door.

Beautiful lime green streamers hung around the garden, decorated with golden yellow sunflowers that bloomed with pride. The center fountain was sprinkled with an array of vibrant coloured petals, along with the ground, popping out from the dark blades of grass. Right next to the fountain, was a stunning placement of two wooden fold up chairs tucked into a matching table, draped with a clean checkered cloth. A glowing lit candle attracted my attention as I realize the sweet scent of light honey enter my nose.

'(Y/N) set this up.'

I planted myself onto one of the chairs, and tapped my gloved finger on the edge in anticipation. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing in a disorganized frenzy, fluttering out and about. I wait, and I wait, and I wait...


My grey eyes dilated at the sudden voice. My eyes glide up to meet the one who harboured it. There Emma stood, in an adorable brown outfit with shiny gold accents. A Herbalist. She slowly turned around the yard in a full circle, talking in all of the fine details of this new and improved garden. Her eyes held a galaxy full of twinkling stars, with a tinge of (E/C). Beautiful. She awed,

"You did this all for me?"

I played with the hem of my collar nervously, nodding my head slightly.

'What do I do? I wish (Y/N) was here, she's so helpful...'

Emma smiles, the edges of her mouth practically reaching her ears, and giggled. The elated Gardener rushed up to fill the vacant seat, and we began to converse. Though it was awkward at first, I tried to imagine that I was talking to (Y/N) to help ease my nerves, and we warmed up to each other surprisingly quickly,

"I... I love..."

'It shouldn't be this hard to say... Why is my heart so difficult?'

"I love... you... Emma..."

I waited anxiously for a response. I was engulfed in a soft hug from her small stature. Her face buried into my chest, my cheeks were flushed with rosy pink.

'What is this feeling... It's strange...'

"I love you too, Aesop."

I sighed.

          I waved farewell to Emma, as I turned to the next corridor. It seemed like everyone was asleep right now. I guess I could tell (Y/N) in the morning about the news. As I continued making my way down the hall, it seemed to get longer, and longer. It stretched to the point where I couldn't see the end. Twisting and turning, I felt a horrible feeling bubble up in my stomach. I fell to the ground. My head. My head's spinning.

My head's spinning.

I hacked up full rose heads, all dripping with blood, as my head laid on its side. I felt so heavy, like a large weight was resting over me, suffocating me. Everything was numb. The only time I didn't feel numb was when I felt that sharp pain every breath I took, that was agonizingly eating at my lungs.

'I thought I had cured my disease?'

'Was I wrong? Was she wrong?'

'Does she love me?...'

'Do I love her?...'

I thought I had something for Emma. She seemed so happy and bubbly, something that I could never be. I thought that maybe she was the one I could've harboured feelings for. I longed for a touch that was kind and gentle, soft and sweet like a cotton candy dream...

'Wasn't that enough for you, Hanahaki?'

The heart wants what the heart wants. If you're honest with yourself then you'll find what true happiness you desire, I coughed out more roses, but one of them stood out. One of them was different, a rose that was magically clean of blood.

A single (F/C) rose.


Red pooled around my head, spilling out of my mouth with petals that painted a tranquil yet gory scene. My hands subconsciously clutched at my heart.

Thump... Thump...

'(Y/N)... Help me...'


Told ya it was short-

I'm making a Christmas special though! (Hopefully it won't be extremely late like the last special-

Sorry for the requests that are on hold, I'll get to them, I'm starting to work on the Perfumer one!


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