Soma X Erina (ENGAGE?!)

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Totsuki Academy~

Normal Pov

After BLUE, everything have turn back to normal. Soma went missing after the fight but no one knows that he actually still in Japan. Erina is the only one that knows where he really is. This is because his relationship with her have change from friend to lover. Nobody knows about this except  Senzaemon Nakiri, Yukihira Joichiro and Gin Donjima. Even their friends did not know about it and that include Hisako Arato. The day was sunny as usual but it's become different when Erina surprisingly finish her paperwork early than expected.

"Erina-sama! You finish your paperwork already?!" Hisako shock to see the headmistress finish super early. Erina get up from her seat and smile at Hisako. "Hisako, I'm going somewhere for a while. Do clear my schedule for tomorrow as well. Hisako nod but did not follow her because Erina might be busy with something important. Erina and Soma have been contacting each other everyday. Soma is still in the academy ground except his location might be a little dangerous to reach. In the deep forest of Totsuki Academy lies a big house fits for a small family to live. Soma found this house and claim it from Senzaemon before he retire. This house have been a place that Erina can called home. From an ugly and creepy house, it turn a  beautiful house. 

Yukihira's and Nakiri's Residence

Soma Pov

"Mmm~ Alright, this is prefect. The sauce is ready same with the potatoes too, nice and crispy. I hope Erina like today dish as well." I said after test tasting the cream soup in the pot. I have been staying here ever since I found out about it. I confessed to Erina about my feeling towards her not just admire but love as well. I fell in love with her without me knowing about it. A pair of small hand wrap around my waist while a kiss was given on my cheek. I turn to meet with her purple-pink eyes towards mine gold one. "Okairi Erina" I lean a kiss on her forehead before wrapping my arms on her waist. She laid her head on my chest. "Tadaima, Soma". I lean to kiss her lips and she respond quickly. Our kiss last for three minutes before we pull away from each other. She easily get embarrass but not so much after she get used to the affection that I always give her. I push her to go to her room to freshen up a bit before we eat lunch together. Everything are ready to serve.  

Erina Pov

After Soma push me to our share bedroom, I quickly get into the tub to relax my body before joining him for lunch. It's his turn after all. But tonight, it's my turn to cook dinner. I wonder what I can make. After 30 minutes in bathtubs, I quickly dress up with the cloth that I left here. I also grab one of Soma' s shirt. I do not get shy anymore because it's only Soma in the house after all. I goes downstairs after I finish but shock to see three other people that should not be here are here! "Hahahaha! This is delicious food I ever taste in my life! Good job Soma-kun" Grandfather said. He turn to face me maybe after hearing my footstep. "Erina! Oh you here already! How living with your future husband like?! And I see that you are wearing his shirt as well?! Good for you kiddo! Soma-kun! You one lucky guy to have a beautiful wife like Erina here. Take care of her, alright?" Grandfather keep on blabbering words. Soma turn to me and take my hand to guide to my seat beside him. I know that my face is bright red. "Grandfather, why are you here exactly?" I asked him. He stop eating and his serious face appear for a minute before turning happy. "No reason, just want to see you two again. Oh also want to taste Soma-kun food again." I just nod for a second before I shout at him "H-h-h-h-how d-do y-you k-know that S-Soma and Me are engaged?!" His fork fell from his hand same thing happen to Dojima-senpai and Saiba-sama. "WHAT?!" "Soma, you propose to her already?!""I was just teasing you but I can't believe that it is true after all." "When did you confess to her, Soma-kun?!" All of them glare at Soma who is shivering from the glare. I quickly pull Soma by his arm towards me and hug him. I hide my face behind him. All of them sit back down. Ahem! "Well, congratulation Erina and Soma-kun for you engagement! We have to celebrate this event at once." The three of them stand up and walk outside the house. "Soma, I will invite all your friend to come it's that okay with you?" Dojima-san asked. We look at each other and nod. "Yes but could you not tell them for who or what the event is create." Soma said to him. Dojima-san nod and walk away with the other two.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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