Danger Prevails

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"How long before they arrive" Jasper's voice grew strained. "Can I get Izzy out of here?"

"No" Alice shook her head in dismay. "They'll be here in less than three minutes. It's not possible, Izzy's performance won't even finish by then."

Jasper's tension rose exponentially at the revelation. A new sense of panic that he'd never personally experienced before taking root, spreading through his empty veins. He had to protect his mate no matter what that much was certain. He would raise hell before he let anyone hurt Izzy.

And with that conviction he felt the steady calm that came with determination. His military mind taking over. It was time to bring out the major once again.

"Edward." Jasper spoke out steadily...a game play coming to him easily, once he actually began thinking. "They don't know much about me. Am I correct?"

By now everyone had there eyes trained solely on Jasper. This was his forte— and everyone was well aware. Edward nodded.

"So they don't know about my relationship with Izzy." It was a statement rather then a question.

Edward caught on quickly. "I'll go to her right now."

Jasper swallowed hard. Two sides of him were at war; not wanting to be away from his mate, in his mind only he could fully keep her safe but he had to trust his family. He knew that if anyone could protect his Izzy with their life after him, it was Edward. He saw her as his sister and best friend, his emotions were a testimony where words failed.

"I'll protect her Jasper." Edward promised, clearly taking a glimpse at his inner dilemma.


With that, Edward sped backstage, ready to meet Izzy once she got off. He used his vampire speed to slip past the guards. Everyone else was too preoccupied by Izzys performance to pay much attention to Edward anyways. It worked to their advantage, no one had noticed the small riot. Izzy's overwhelming charm on stage was to be thanked.

The thought of Izzy automatically directed his eyes to her, only to find her staring back at him from the stage. She was still performing with the same intensity but her eyes were trailed on him. He fought the combined spell of her gaze and voice to focus on what she feeling instead. He could sense the waves of confusion and worry emitting from her. One of the perks of knowing her so well was that he was able to tell that she was doing it on purpose— it was silent question.

There was no reason to worry her about something that she had no control, especially when she was doing something that held significance to her. He'd tell her when she got off, or Edward would anyways. Jasper held her gaze before shaking his head softly, forcing a smile. Izzy searched his eyes for a split second before turning back to her performance completely.

"Why didn't yo-" began Rosalie.

"I sent Edward because if The nomads are unaware of my relationship with Izzy, it would give us an edge." Jasper explained, securing his shoulders for the upcoming challenge. "And Edward will tell Izzy the moment she gets off stage. I don't want her to worry right now."

Alice opened her mouth to speak, worry clearly outlined on her small face before her eyes widened and snapped in his direction in alarm. She didn't have to say anything for him to realise the implications behind her distress.
The nomads had arrived.

Jasper closed his eyes, trying to focus his senses when he felt the same prerequisitionl spike of dread emerge from Izzy. It only confirmed his greatest fear: his mate was in danger.

It didn't take more than a single whiff to locate the nomads. They had a sweet scent that was entirely different from the living. Each vampire had a different scent, much like humans but the underlying essence was always the same. Jasper didn't like the emotions the newly arrived vampires were emitting,it was far from friendly.

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