oh God I'm married? not

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"hmmmmnnngg..." Slowly I move to a sitting position from my nap wiping the drool from my face. Noticing the pretty ring on my finger... "Oh shi-" "IM MARRIED TO A FUCKING DEMON!" realization slapping me hard in the face. "You called my dear~" alastor appeared behind me. "How long was I out?" I ask still half asleep "about an hour or so" he returns casually "JACK! how is he?! is he ok?!" I ask worry across my face. Alastor waves is hand and a fog appears showing jack in his hospital bed surrounded by his family. A sigh of relief escapes me "thank God....when can I see him?"  I ask him with haste of wanting to see my dear friend. "Oh no my dear, I'm afraid you will stay here in hell with me!" I feel my heart drop to my stomach. "Wh-what?.."   "you see our deal was you marry me, and I save Jackie boy, never did I say we would visit him " he grins with his  sinister smile. "Well... WE'RE NOT OFFICIALLY MARRIED!" I yell. "whatever do you mean my dear?" Alastor asks tilting his head to the side. "When you gave me this ring it was an engagement ring! Until we have a ceremony, we're not married!"

alastor x reader.  lemon?   dead weddingWhere stories live. Discover now