Worse Year in Korean entertainment world

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2019 has been horrible for the Korean entertainment world.

There were divorces, people leaving the group, getting involved in scandals and some of them left the world.

This year, I lost Seungri and Wonho, from 2 of my favourite groups (If you were about to attack me by saying Seungri deserves it, watch the video above before you say anything).

And I also lost 2 female idols I knew when I just came into the Kpop world, Sulli and Hara. I don't stan them but I used to listen to their group's songs. Their news left me shocked and I was not able to say anything upon seeing the news.

I honestly feel like people should be more considerate, idols are human too. But we often portray them too perfectly until when they did a mistake, the people will start attacking them non-stop until he or she apologizes. But somehow people nowadays seem to be very harsh and mean, they often don't accept their apologies and kept on attacking them over other issues. This ended up leading them to leave their groups or even worse, suicide.

I know everyone will just forget about it after the issues are over, but one thing that you should know.

Whatever you said or wrote online, it will leave a permanent impact to that person. Even if you yourself forget about it, they will remember it forever and it haunts them from time to time.

It's time to stop following the trend and scolding or attacking anyone without knowing the reason beforehand. If you don't know the exact issue, STFU. It's none of your business, don't just follow the trend blindly and end up hurting a person, no matter who they are.

R.I.P Goo Hara. 


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R.I.P Sulli.

That's all from me

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That's all from me.

Signing out, 


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