Worst Day of my Life

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Stiles' POV

I nearly jumped when Scott told me i had to keep this psychopath in my house for 1 month. There was no way I was gonna keep him in, I mean maybe I could lock him up in some dark place in my house but he would probably find a way to escape anyway. I'm stuck in this situation all alone because Liam's moving, Scott and Malia are going for a vacation for I don't even know what reason, Lydia's mom already said no and you know my dad... He's a sheriff and he has a good heart. What he said was "Stiles he's a kid too and he probably needs help." He does need help tho. HE KILLED HIS SISTER AND TRIED TO SEPARATE ME AND MY BESTFRIEND IF I HAVE TO REMIND YOU. Anyways there was just no way.

Scott: Stiles, Hello?!

Stiles: Uh yeah what?

Scott: So you know what you gotta do huh?

Stiles: Scott please no I beg you please just stay and keep him in your house and do things your way you know, after all you're the alpha!

Scott: Stiles i'm giving you just one thing to do.

Stiles: This one thing is something impossible do I look like Tom Cruise to you?

Scott: Always gonna make me laugh Stiles. Anyways i'll see you in one month!

Stiles: Don't. Leave.

Scott: Adios

Malia: Bye Stiles and try not getting eaten by the chimaera.

Stiles: Yeah, yeah fuck you guys.

They smiled and waved goodbye, exiting my house. Liam's supposed to come deliver me the chimaera in about 10 minutes... i'm already so overwhelmed.

10 minutes gone...

Liam came with the devil and his eyes were colder than ever.

Liam: Hey Stiles here's your gift.

Stiles: Thanks but you can keep it.

Theo: Not really nice of you Stiles.

He smirked and looked at me as if I was his babysitter and he was the devilish kid that was about to burn down the house.

Stiles: I don't have to be nice. At least not with you.

Liam: I'll just leave him with you. Bye Theo have fun he winked.

Liam came to hug him and Theo kissed him on the forehead.

Theo: I'm gonna miss you bro.

Liam: me too.

Stiles: Okay just kiss already.

Theo: Jealous already babe?

Stiles: W-wha-- don't start with the flirting psychopath.

Liam grinned and waved goodbye.

Stiles: Come in I guess...

I don't know why my dad is so caring and always have faith in people. Theo Raeken is not worth having faith in. I mean yes maybe he changed but to me he's never changed. He might be friends with Liam but it doesn't mean he doesn't wanna kill me or anyone. Am i paranoid? No i'm not.

Theo: So... Where's my room?

I completely forgot about the room thing... So my dad put another bed in MY room so THIS MONSTER could sleep. What a shame.

Stiles: First of all don't ever call something in a house that's not yours "yours" because it's not and second of all, we share the same room.

Theo: Perfect.

He smirked like the son of a bitch he is... I really wanna beat him up but I almost forgot he's a chimaera.

Stiles: I'm gonna take a nap if you ever wanna eat or drink something then just do it i assume you're big enough.

Theo: Alright dad.

He lay down on his bed and scrolled through his phone.
He seems so calm and shit but I still had doubts on him...

I closed my eyes and hoped everything would be ok by the time I wake up.

A/N: Hi guys sorry the first chapter is so short. I'm gonna try and put more details in other chapters or just make a lot of short chapters. Thanks for reading!

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