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Theo's POV

So I went downstairs to save Stiles from the embarassement, Because he had a boner... But I mean it's normal. I remember hanging out with Liam, Corey and Mason. Mason AND Corey had a boner when I said that I could do sexual things with a guy but I'm not gay... I wouldn't know because I've never catched feelings for anybody I just flirt around and make people catch feelings it's just fun somehow. I might be a psychopath after all.

I decided to go back upstairs.

Stiles' POV

I got out my lotion, my hands were ready to start experimenting something new. I wanted to know if I was gay. Secret mode is on ready to try some new things I typed in "gay sex".

I started the video with my earphones. Theo entered the room when I closed my phone and pretended to read a book.

Theo: By the way I didn't want you to be embarassed for having a boner before I leave the room but I changed my mind.

Stiles: Fuck I'm sorry...

Theo: You're a virgin right?

Stiles: N-no I mean yes-- I mean why do you wanna know that?

Theo: Just being curious, don't worry I am too.

Stiles: You're a virgin? You? Theo Raeken?

Theo: I've never really seen the point to fuck I mean yes it feels good and blabla but you need to know what people like before actually doing it with them.

Stiles: So you're saying you would care about someone's pleasure?

Theo: No that sounds way too soft.

Stiles: Maybe you're soft...

Theo: Ah shut up I'm just waiting for the right moment. What about you?

Stiles: Well I'm kind of a loser so girls don't want me.

Theo: Have boys ever wanted you?

Stiles: W-why?

Theo: Derek really seems to like you.

Stiles: How do you know?

Theo: He might be a tough wolf but I'm the best in interpreting people's feelings and I could maybe help you.

Stiles: I mean.. WAIT I'M NOT GAY.

Theo: How about we say Bi-curious?

Stiles: Hm yeah let's say..

Theo: So how do we start our adventure?

Stiles: First let's just make a plan.

Theo: I'm the best in making plans.

Stiles: You don't know me yet. Alright so I'll text him and ask him if he wants to meet up just for chill and things.

Theo: How about you text him right now and ask him if he can come over tomorrow.

Stiles: Alright

Stiles texting Derek

Stiles: Hey Der whats up?

Derek: Hey nothin new and you?

Stiles: Except the fact that I got a new buddy I'm great. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over tomorrow?

Derek: Yeah sure why not I've got nothin better to do.

Stiles: Great see you tomorrow!

A/N: Thank you for reading! Should I make longer chapters or just keep doing what I'm doing?

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