🍦 PART 2

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Yera POV

'Your fingers entwined
slowly with mine ,
and suddenly ,
life made sense.'

'My eyes refuse
to watch you leave ,
so tears will blur
the memory.'

'How can poem can be so beautiful and sad in the split of sec'. i thought quietly.

I brushed off my bang out of my eyes before take a sip of my mocha latte and look up at the nearby window. The weather also seems quite nice lately, i wonder if going to the beach was an idea because it's been a while since she didn't do holiday thingy for herself.

She tends to made one after her mid exam but this is far from mid exam, it is the beginning of March for fries sake.

"uWuuu, look at whose got a jack pot partner plus for projecttt!" Nami came and slammed her books on the table making the table shaking slightly.

"shhhh!" one of the librarian warned Nami before adjusting her rather big speactacle and glare at Nami dangerously.

"The hell of fish is wrong with her, bruh. It's not that i'm fuckin' chocking someone to death". Nami shout-whispering to me before send a fake smile to the librarian.

I let out some chuckles. "It's your fault too Nami-ah, this is library and she your ideal mentor type tho" i muttered that casually and smirked when i heard a scoff from her.

"Ya don't let me alive don't cha? Ok dokey cut that shit out. Back to main topic here. How the mother god fairy got you the collage's crush as your partner not to mentioned that you are choosen for the research project!". Nami said excitedly and slow down a bit when she feel a glare from the librarian.

I let out of sigh, 'rumors spread like a virus didn't they?' and massaged softly my temple.

Before i said a word, Nami cut me "Top of that, your blood sweetly got Mr. Kun as the lecturer's project. What did u do to have this in your life Yeraaa".She stated and started shaking my body.

I let out of sigh that i hold on for i don't even know that i held on. Scenes on class hit my head.

Two hours ago.....

"..and with all of those, i want all of you finish my assigments before next Friday, sharp at 12pm. I accept no excuse." Mr. Kun said firmly. His dark eyesbrows slightly frowned making his soft face mixed with stern.

Nobody didn't dare to groan or sigh because of his strict but he loves all of his students and everybody knew that.

"Jung Yera and Im Minwoo, please do wait after this. I would like to talk with both of you." He said and add a smile showing his little dimple.

Like a normal reflex, i turn to look at Minwoo beside the window, 4 tables away from my seat. And just to found out, he also looked at me with a slight of raised eyesbrows. We probbaly looked the same.

"OMG Minwoo"

"It's must be that project tho!"

"omg Mr. Kun.. how the actual world imma not fell for you deeper"

I heard some voice whispering, clearly had a fat unhealthy crush at their Biology's lecturer.

"I already examinated all of students in this class and I made decision in picking both of you to be for the next project. Congrats !! You two are the highest and the stable students with grades so i hope I can count on both of you". He add it with a proud smile before suddenly realised the awkward air.

"Did you two ok with it? umm, i can pick another student if you not.." Before he could finished it, i cut him first.

"No sir, you can count on us-"

"NO sir, you can count on us-"

We both stared at each other shockly with the same words.

Mr. Kun let out a chuckles, "Alright alright, that was so cute. Thank you so much and I'll update to both of you in future". He muttered before patted our heads and excused himself, clearly leaving us in shook.

"Umm, so I hope we could get alongg Yera-shi". Minwoo said friendly and offered his famous smile making I wake up from a dream that I wished it was.

"ah- yeah, me too". I dumbly stated that without thinking. 'God i was so awkwardd' and replied back with my dimple smile.

We clean up our books and dashed out from class.

"Yera-shi, could I have your phone number?" and quickly add "yo- you know for the project stuffs". He asked rubbing his nape with a small blush.

I dialed faster than i've could even know and pass his phone back to him.

He glared at the screen and back to me with a big smile. "I'll contact you if i got idea for the project". He muttered before leaving me at the hall.

'gosh i was so awkward'

"Yera, did he was your crush when we are freshmen?". Nami's voice kicked me out of the earlier scenes.

I scoffed before adding "he's- He's not- it just a normal admired" and ending it with stutters.

"yeah yeahh i can see bish. Ouh did ur uncle gonna pick you up? because i wanna treat you some good chocolate sundae". Nami happily asked because she so sick of her dense friend about her crush.

I checked my phone up and saw no recent message.

"He's probably busy at work, he didn't text me anything. I'll text him back to let him know". I answered softly before clean up the table and grabbed my belongings, dashing out from library as quited as we can.

The librarian still glared a huffs a big tho at us.

Third POV

"stop staring and approach her, coward." i feel nudges at my side.

I smiled when my eyes catched a girl who giggles prettly before shifting my eyes to my friends grumply after he heard what his friend said.

"I didn't suggest Mr. Kun to choose you and Yera in his project only for the ass-romantic-eyes" the male said and wingled his eyesbrows playfully.

"Make a move mannn". His friend encourage him.

"gosh i look so stupid earlier, she was so cute and i couldn't get my words out, Chenle" Minwoo let out of sigh.


Sorry for the late update i was so surprised to see quite numbers reading this ㅠㅠ

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