Me Or Sam

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The following fan fiction is a continuation off of season one- I advise you finish season one of Green Eggs and Ham before reading this. Thank you.


"Woah, woah, woah-" Guy grabbed onto my arm as I was dashing down the street.

I couldn't help myself from jumping up and down, I felt like I was about to leap out of my skin even.

"We can't just go across the world without talking about it first- we don't even have any money, or a plan, or a-" I shushed Guy, he always was a worrier.

"Everything will be fine, the sooner we leave, the faster we'll be back!"

Guy shook his head and made a frown,"Sam- how are we even going to get there?"

"By hot air balloon silly!" I laughed.

"You know how much those things cost though- and neither of us exactly have a job," Guy trailed off.

"Well of course you do, you're a full-time inventor after all!" I playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Sam- I haven't even successfully made anything yet!" Guy groaned.

"There's plenty of ways to travel for cheap- remember when we shipped ourselves?" I giggled just thinking about how tight it was in that tiny box.

"Sam, we'd be stuck in that box for DAYS!" Guy exclaimed.

"Well then there's gotta be another way- maybe we can sneak onto a boat!" I started thinking about all the possible ways to travel. We did it once- we can do it again, but, this time, it'll just much longer.

Guy put his hand on my shoulder lightly, snapping me back to reality.

"If we're going to do this, we need to do it logically. We barely survived the first time," Guy reminded me.

I sighed,"I can't well, I can't wait that long."

I looked down at the empty egg carton in my hands. She was so close- but so far away at the same time. I hated not being able to remember her- all I can remember is some silly detail about what her green eggs and ham tasted like.

Guy crouched down, getting to my level,"Just give me a day. Let me see how much I have in my savings- then we'll be on our way to see her."


My hands were all sweaty- they got like that a lot whenever I was around Michelle. After a deep, long breath, I knocked on the door.

Michelle opened the door,"Hey Guy- you came just in time. I was just about to serve dinner."

I smiled, trying my best to pretend like everything was normal. Even though it, in fact, wasn't. How was I going to tell her that I was going across the world with Sam again?

"Oh, uh, there's no need, really, I don't want to intrude-" I started to say, although Michelle grabbed my arm and lead me into the house.

"Of course you're not intruding- you are my boyfriend after all," Michelle giggled.

I loved it when she called me that- boyfriend.

Michelle started to ramble on, she was adorable when she did that,"You know- I was thinking, you and E.B should really start hanging out more. That way you both can get to know each other better. You know?"

I nodded,"Michelle that's actually what I was going to tell you-"

Michelle sat me down in one of the chairs in the dining room and laughed,"Of course, of course, you can tell me all about it after you had some food to eat. You must be starving."

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