Sam's Nightmares- Explained

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Throughout this fan-fiction, Sam had multiple nightmares. They all had hidden meanings about what Sam was feeling at the time, or about his fears. I decided it would be a fun idea to explain all of their secret meanings. Some may surprise you...

First off- the reason why all of Sam's dreams happen in his old bedroom at the orphanage, is supposed to show that he feels as if he is forever trapped in there. When Sam had tried to get out in the sixth chapter, he found himself right back in the same room.

That room resembled his abandonment issues, (since that is where his mother had abandoned him) and in his head- he was forever trapped. Forever obsessing over why she had given him up. Anyways, now that we got the room covered- let me go over all his nightmares in order of appearance.

'I was in an almost empty room. There was only a rickety bed in the corner. Spiders crawled all over the floor and walls. Suddenly, they all started crawling onto me, covering every inch of my body, no matter how hard I screamed, no one came to help. I was all alone.' (Chapter three) In dreams, spiders usually represent a feminine figure. In Sam's case, the spiders represent his mom. Or, to be more precise- who he feared his mom was. The spiders all represent all the different versions of Sam's mom that Sam has in his head, and Sam felt as if he was being swallowed by his fears, and that no one would help him.

'I was jolted awake, I looked around my surroundings and I instantly saw that I was in my old room. I got off from the bed and studied the room. The walls were bare, and the corners were dirty. The entire room felt cold. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to conserve heat.

"Hello, Sam."

I looked behind me and saw a hooded figure. Suddenly, he lunged towards me. I bolted away and opened the door. Although, when I opened it, inside of being in the hallway, I was back in my room.

I didn't think much about it, I just kept running. Every time I ran out the door, I just found myself back in my room. But I wasn't fast enough. The man was right on my heels, and suddenly, I was tackled to the floor.

The man whispered into my ear,"You can't avoid it forever, Sam."' (Chapter six) This nightmare has a more obvious meaning. Being chased in your dreams usually means that you're running away from a conflict. In Sam's case, he's avoiding his feelings for Guy. As shown in this fanfiction, there are multiple points where Sam gets flustered around Guy- but he always avoids ever admitting that maybe he likes Guy. This was Sam's mind's way of telling him 'we all know you have a crush on this guy- you have to confront these feelings eventually. You can't avoid it forever.'

'I took a few deep breaths before I started to speak,"I- I was laying in my old bed. When all of a sudden maggots started to burst from beneath my skin. I- I could feel them wriggling around my body as more and more came to the surface. And- when I tried to scream, I couldn't. I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried."' (Sam had the nightmare in chapter seven, although he didn't explain it until chapter eight) I feel like it would be better if I had someone else explain this- since I feel as if I wouldn't explain this one very well.

'Dreams of maggots coming from under and crawling out of your skin, suggests that there have been issues that you have been rejecting or ignoring. The issues have been brewing underneath the surface, eating away at you. The issues have now become apparent and easily observed by everyone around you.' -

Basically, this dream was about Hector. Sam knew that Hector was dangerous, although he tried to ignore it, and tried to run away instead of resolving the problem. Although- now that Hector had caught them at that point in the story, Sam couldn't ignore the problem anymore.

I knew this was all very depressing, but I thought I should let you all know that Sam did get therapy, and the nightmares did eventually go away. Sam deals with his emotions in a much healthier way instead of suppressing them now.

I tried to sneak this in the last chapter- although I couldn't find a way to slip it in. So, I just wanted to clarify that it IS canon in this fan-fiction that Sam's nightmares do eventually stop.  

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