Guy Is Into Guys

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I could feel blood was trickling down my face, everything looked fuzzy. My ears were ringing. It took me a second to remember what happened- what I had did to try and save Guy and me. Wait- Guy.

The car had flipped to its side, I looked to my left, and saw Guy was unconscious. I had to get him out of here- and quick. How long had I been out? It couldn't have been that long considering Hector hadn't gotten to me yet.

I unbuckled myself, and climbed down over to Guy.

"Hey, Guy, wake up," I tried to shake him away.

Guy groaned, and I let out a relieved breath. He was going to be okay.

I quickly unbuckled his seat belt for him"Alright- listen, when you get out of this car, you have to run as fast as you can go. No- run FASTER than that. And don't look back- just keep running. Okay?"

Guy nodded, I could tell he was still processing what had just happened. I held on tight to Guy as I lead him out of the car through the now broken windshield.

"Now, go! Run! I'll be right behind ya," I whispered as I helped Guy up to his feet. 

He took off, and I quickly crawled back into the car. I grabbed our two briefcases- I was so glad we packed light. Before I could turn around and crawl back out of the windshield, I felt something cold get pressed against my neck.

I knew what that was- I didn't even have to look.

"Don't. Move," Hector said in between breaths. 

"Listen, buddy-" before I could finish Hector kicked me in the leg, I yelped just a little. 

"Don't speak either," he commanded.

I stayed quiet, this was it, I was going to die.

"Where's that friend of yours?"

"So I can speak now?" I muttered.

"DON'T get sassy with me," he shouted.

"He's long gone by now," at least that was good. At least I gave Guy a head start.

"Get up, and put your hands up," Hector barked.

I did as I was told- dropping the briefcases to the ground.

"Do you remember that last favor you did for me?" Hector asked.

I slightly nodded- I did remember. He wanted me to hide this weird package...

"Good- do you remember where you hid the package?" Hector replied.

I nodded again.

"Great, that'll make this so much easi-" before Hector could finish, he fell to the ground.

Behind him was Guy, who was holding one of the wheels- it must've fallen off the car. Guy must've grabbed it and used it to knock out Hector. 

I ran over to him and gathered him into a huge hug.

"Are you okay?" Guy started examined me, looking for any cuts or bruises. 

I stopped him,"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. But we gotta go- before he wakes up."

I gestured towards Hector.

"What about my car? And what are we gonna do when he wakes up? Shouldn't we tell the police?" Guy started listing off a million questions.

I shushed Guy,"Calm down, it's going to be fine. And, well, we can't..."

I trailed off. I didn't have to remind him about me being a criminal and all. If we did tell the police- they'd certainly arrest me for even doing the favor for Hector in the first place.

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