His Choice

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I always loved hot air balloon rides- how could you not?

As I looked over the brim of the basket Guy asked,"Who even is this Hector guy anyways? I mean- you barely told me anything about him."

I shrugged as I looked down at the scenery,"I didn't ask too many questions. He called, said he got my number through a friend, and asked me to hide a package in another country."

I looked over at Guy,"He offered me two thousand bruckles, and of course I took it. Two thousand JUST for hiding some weird package seemed like a good idea at the time. He even payed for my hot air balloon tickets. Although, the catch was I had to sneak it on board. I couldn't let anyone see what was inside it- he wouldn't even tell me what was in that thing."

"Where'd you hide it?" Guy asked.

"It's better I don't tell you- just in case," I answered.

"In case what?"

"If you don't know, Hector won't come after you."

Guy stayed quiet for a moment.

I continued,"Although, what's ever in there is either very valuable, or very dangerous."

"Maybe both," Guy shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess."

Guy went silent for a moment as he gently re-positioned his hat.

"You know, you can tell me anything," Guy said quietly.

This must've been about that nightmare thing. I stayed quiet. I really didn't want to talk about those. But, when I looked up into Guy's kind eyes, I knew I could trust him.

I signed,"For a little while now, I've been having these nightmares every once in a while... I-"

I stopped; I could feel tears were starting to form. I bit down on my lip, trying to stop them. It felt embarrassing to cry in front of other people. Especially Guy.

I gulped, trying to shallow the growing lump in my throat.

Guy put his hand on my shoulder, his touch felt so warm. So soothing. I could feel my cheeks redden- which just made me feel even worse since I had no idea why I've been feeling this way around Guy. 

"I'm always in the same room. In everyone. I'm always in my old room-," my voice broke.

I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the tears trickling down my cheek,"The one at the orphanage."

I could barely speak- all the memories started to come rushing back. That room was so empty- so alone.

"I was all alone."

Guy knelt to get to my level. Guy gently tipped my chin up and wiped away my tears.

"You're not alone, Sam. Not anymore."

Suddenly, I heard shouting. I looked over towards the front of the hot air balloon, and saw the pilot had strapped on a life jacket and was jumping into the ocean. What was going on?

"Sam, JUMP!" Guy screamed.

"What, why?"

I looked over the edge of the rim and saw the balloon was rushing towards the ocean. The balloon was falling.

Then, all I saw was blue.


Air. I needed air. I tried to swim towards the surface, I tried to reach for it. It was so close- but yet so far. But I was getting pulled down. I looked down, my leg had gotten tangled around one of the ropes that was connected to the basket. Well, what was left of it. 

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