Chapter 3: Meet and Greet

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I grumbled as I sat next to Jay, thoroughly unimpressed with the action movie unfolding on the screen. My hand delved into a bag of chips, and I took a sip of my soda while leaning against Jay's arm.

"Jay, I don't get it. How could they all shoot at him, but no one managed to actually hit him? I know it's just a movie, but this is just too fake!" I complained, irritated. Jay pleaded with me, holding his hand on his forehead as if dealing with me gave him a headache.

"Farah! It's just a movie, just ignore it. Can you just please be silent for one moment?!" he begged. I shut my mouth, letting him focus on the movie. As the main character made an unbelievable leap from a building, I couldn't contain my disbelief."How could he even know that-""Farah!" Jay's frustration was evident, and I simply chuckled. "I'm done! I'm not even going to finish it," he declared.

I nonchalantly placed the chips and soda down, checking the time on my watch. "Just on time. I have an appointment I need to attend," I laughed, standing up and grabbing my phone. Jay's eyes bore into my back, and I grinned before turning to him. He stared at me with a poker face.

"Oh, come on, I have to go, it's important. At least you can watch your cringe movie in peace" I smiled. Jay turned his head back to the TV without uttering another word. Grabbing my shoes and jacket, I headed to the door. "I'll see you later, alligator" I exclaimed. "Okay, call me when you get home!" he yelled back.

Today's appointment was with Mrs. Sarah. It seemed she was serious about hiring me as her family's personal doctor. I had finished all the official paperwork, and today, she invited me for tea while introducing me to other family members.

Arriving at their impressive mansion, I admired the beautiful house and the yard with a stunning view of the city. It dwarfed the school I used to attend as a child."Good to see you, Mrs. Sarah," I greeted. She welcomed me with a warm hug. "My darling! How have you been? Come on in" she said.

As I entered, the high ceilings made the house look even grander. Following Sarah down the hall, I noticed a man and a woman sitting on a gray couch. The house's glass door and enormous windows added to the overall splendor.

"Farah, I want you to meet Norah and Bilal," Sarah smiled. They stood up, and I shook their hands. "Nice to meet you both" I smiled back. Norah seemed around my age, maybe a little younger, while Bilal appeared to be Sarah's husband.

"We heard good things about you" Bilal pointed out. "My wife couldn't stop talking about how well you've treated her. We are thankful."

"The pleasure was mine, sir" I responded. The introductions continued, and Norah, the kindhearted girl working for the family's business, turned out to be a year older than me. Norah's mother was Sarah's daughter, she was married to a wealthy man, and they had two children, Nora and Ace. Ace worked at the family company too alongside his sister and nephew."Actually, my dear, I asked you to work for my family for a reason" Sarah paused, her tone becoming more serious. Bilal's phone rang, and he excused himself. In Sarah's eyes, I sensed a hint of sadness. She looked at Norah, who lowered her gaze.

"To be honest, I know that you are not a real doctor, as you confirmed in the hospital. Yet, when you helped the little girl that day, I knew that you are a kindhearted person and that you want to help people," Sarah began, her eyes reflecting pain. "I have a son, and he has three children."

Sarah sighed, and for a moment, the room fell silent. I furrowed my brows, not fully grasping where this story was heading. Looking into Sarah's eyes, I could sense the sorrow. "Their children have completely different lifestyles. The oldest is Liam. He works for our company but travels a lot to other countries. The second one is Zain. Let's say that he's just being misunderstood, a lot."

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