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JUNE 2000

dearest jung jaehyun,

it's june already!

i know i know, we're supposed
to be on a road trip. i'm sorry
but i'll have to cancel on that.
i'm extremely busy with personal
stuff at the moment, so chances
of even going to the snack shack
is low.

i, too, was really looking
forward to our countryside
adventure! but its unfortunate
that last minute plans were
made; and i can't decline
them even if i could.

you mustn't bother to knock
on my door or visit. not because
of anything weird, but i'll mostly
be out of the house and my
older sister hates guests because
it's apparently 'exhausting' for
her to set up drinks and etcetera.

don't worry, we'll still see each
other at the year-end party!
i can't wait to see you and i will
most definitely miss you the most.

with all the love i can give,
lee taeyong.

taeyong folded the piece
of paper, before letting
the beads of guilt and sorrow
trickle down his dying face.

i hate lying.

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