1. Namjoon

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Jungkook knew that being a leader was hard- not first hand of course, he would never be ready for that. But he could see a prime example from Namjoon, his own leader. Sure, in the daytime he was worryingly good at hiding his exhaustion. But there are somethings that you just can't help but notice when rooming with him- aside from his extremely loud snoring of course. Often Jungkook would be kept awake from his hyung moving things about when stressing over schedules, or lyric writing. He could understand that. Writing Euphoria and Begin has taken him at least a few months. And that was with help from experts- Namjoon as one. But when things got bad Namjoon would start muttering to himself in English, which did not help him sleep. But he never said anything to him. He knew it would just stress him even more, something he obviously didn't want.
Today though, it seemed as though his hyung was having a particularly bad day, so when it was time for Namjoon to start his up-past-midnight-work(as Jungkook liked to call it), Jungkook padded over to him, wearing an oversized jumper(Namjoon's), shorts and his bunny socks to ask, "Hyuuunnngg, I can't sleep, can we cuddle on your bed?" Namjoon's eyes softened and he smiled. "Of course Kookie, how can I say no to you?"
Hearing that, the Maknae skipped back to his hyung's bed, pulling Namjoon along with him. When Namjoon was comfortably settled in the covers, he shuffled closer and wrapped his arms around Joon's waist.
"Hyung," he whined, "lie down with me."
Namjoon chuckled, "Alright." 
Jungkook didn't know it, but one of the moments when Namjoon was calmest was when he was with his dongsaeng. Kookie always just somehow knew what to do or say to de-stress him. And to have such an understanding Maknae, one who knew when there was a limit, one who knew how to calm his Hyungs down, for that he was extremely blessed. He wondered what would have happened if the original Maknae hadn't been kicked out. Or if Jungkookie had never auditioned- no, nevermind. Namjoon didn't think he could imagine a world without his- Bangtan's sweet Kookie. Sure he was a little brat sometimes, but he always knew when to stop. Well, he says always, but there had been just one or two relatively large, though not enough to damage any bonds, arguments between him and the other two from the Maknae line. He guessed it was just their age similarities but either way, he was grateful for everything Bangtan has.

Jungkook watched his Hyung's face. It seemed as though he was thinking something deep like he does sometimes(sometimes being about 70% of the time). But he shrugged it off, content that just for the moment, Joon was getting some rest. With that thought, he drifted off to dreamland, Namjoon following soon after.

When he woke up, Namjoon looked over at Jungkook sleeping peacefully, appreciation for his dongsaeng's thoughtfulness showing in his eyes and smile.

Awww Namkook! Anyway, thanks for reading my trash I purple you!💜💜💜
525 words

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