4. Hoseok

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Hoseok picked his name J-Hope because he wanted to be the one who gave hope to his fans, just as his fans have hope to him. However, he never expected for it to be so hard. Smiling every single time you're in front of a camera, which was about 3/4 of his day by the way, him being an idol, was actually quite hard. And the stress of having to keep up with the expectations that come with being the main dancer and resident sunshine almost 24/7(not only in front of the cameras, he had to stay positive for his band mates too), made it harder and harder to keep that smile on his face. He was just glad that his agency understood and wasn't like some of the others where they're pushed into depression or starvation. But he still struggled.

Jungkook pretended not to notice but he would sometimes catch Hoseok in his shared room with Jimin crying. He acted like he never saw it though, because he knew everyone in BTS had their insecurities, so he would just try and compliment his Hyung when they do their morning dance time together; sometimes on his dancing, sometimes on his style, or maybe on his bright, bubbly(but almost unnoticeably fake) personality. He would never say anything direct about the situation to Hobi as he knew he would just lie and say he was fine when he really wasn't. So Jungkook focused on making little things better like compliments.

Hoseok always felt proud when any of his dongsaengs came to him to ask for help with dance, or just anything at all. It was an amazing feeling when he would help them and they would get it right. It made him feel like he had accomplished something.

Lately Kook had been coming to him to ask for help more and more often. He would put it down to the choreographies always getting harder and the Maknae trusting him to help him get(A/N: Make) it right, but deep down, he had a nagging suspicion that Jungkook had found out about his source of pride and decided to make sure his hyung always loved himself.

That suspicion was confirmed the next day when, at dance practice, Jungkook got every step right before everyone except him, even Jimin, but still cane to him right after to ask for help on a move and purposely messed it up. He knew it was on purpose because in that dance practice he never messed up once and now the Golden Maknae messes up 4 times in a row? He had to congratulate the boy on his acting skills though; he only just found out when, looking back, he was sure this had been going on for almost 4 years now. Another thing that Kook would do is crack jokes in the middle of dance to lighten the mood if he thought it was becoming dull again, though that was a less serious issue as Jungkook would mess around with his Hyungs all the time anyway.

But if this was real or just a dream, he would always be grateful to Jungkookie for at least trying to keep him bubbly and cheerful like he pretended at interviews and shows.

Right, another Chapter done! For those of you who don't know this(which is probably 1% since I bet no ones gonna read this except my school friends) I still go to school so any updates on any book is gonna be extremely slow. But anyway, I purple you!!!💜💜💜 and bc it was Jin's bday when this was written, free virtual food for all!! 🍓🥭🍐🥥🌶🍠🥯🍗🥐🥩🥓🦴🧀🍟🍖🥐🍪🍟🥚🍖🍕🍔🌯🥙🥪🥘🍱🍢🍟🍥🥟🥗🍨🍜🍕🍦🍼🍰🍯🍰🍪🍪🍪🍫🍪🍰🍪🍰🥧🍮🍩🍦🍷🥤🥂🍾🥡🍻🥣🍶🥃🧂🍡🍫🍪🍪
618 words

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