2. Jin

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Today had been their day off. However, their manager had suddenly appeared and told them they had to redo the photoshoot that they did last week. Why on their day off no one had any idea, but it wasn't like they could argue against BigHit. Jin had been preparing lunch for his dongsaengs, and when Jungkook heard, he had a mixture of thoughts. First: 'Poor Jin-hyung, all his hard work in cooking for us today wasted.'
The second was more useful: 'Hey, how about I help?' So Jungkook went into the kitchen and greeted his hyung. "Hi hyung!"
"Hello Kook." Jin had been making kimchi, Jungkook's favourite.
"Ooh! Is that kimchi I smell?" Jin laughed.
"Hungry again Kook? When was the last time you ate? Five minutes ago?" Jungkook pouted. "Hyuuunngg! Stop teasing me! You know when I last ate since you were the one who cooked for us! And do you need any help with cooking? If it's done quicker maybe we can pack it up and bring it to the shoot, that way we don't have to heat it up for dinner and have it go all hard!" Jin smiled. His Kookie was so thoughtful, although that might just be his stomach thinking.
"No, it's fine, I think I can get it done."
"Come on hyung, let me help!" Cue the puppy eyes. "Yah! Kook stop with the puppy eyes you know I can't resist those! Aish, alright you can help. Can you cut up the vegetables and boil the water? I want to make soup too."
"Ok hyung!" said Jungkook, bouncing up to Jin.
Jungkook knew Jin found it hard sometimes to play the role of Bangtan's Eomma(as ARMY's liked to call him) so it had become a common occurrence for Jungkook to be seen in the kitchen with Jin. On the other hand, he knew cooking was also a way to let out stress and frustrations, so he would pretend there were somethings he didn't know how to do so that Jin had something to do and help with.
Jungkook thought Jin didn't notice, and he was right, at least he hadn't noticed till last week when Jin's alarm had been set to later and when he went downstairs breakfast was already made. Times like these Kookie would be the most endearing, sweet, helpful angel but there were occasions where he was a little too mischievous and ended up messing something up. Nevertheless Jin loves him. He loves him so much he would die for him.
Jungkook adored his hyung. He knew the rest of Bangtan felt the same way too. Jungkook often wondered how Jin could balance singing, dancing, acting, cooking etc. without messing up. That was what he admired. Jungkook loves his hyung and he knew that Jin loved them as one big happy family. That's why he would try to ask to go out somewhere as a whole group as often as possible without being annoying.
Sejinnie hyungnim had returned. Jin looked over at Jungkook and saw just how happy Jungkook seemed. He didn't know that it was because of him but he resolved to let Jungkook cook with him more often if this is what he was like afterwards.
Then they packed up the food and got in the van-

Where Jin just thought over how much he appreciated their Maknae's ability to understand.

Here's your dose of Jinkook! This reminded me of Namjoon tryna cut an onion for some reason. I purple you!💜💜💜
586 words

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