5. Jimin

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Jimin was at the dance studio. Again. 3 hours after dance practice had ended and he hadn't eaten anything either. It was a wonder he could still keep going but somehow Jimin manages to push through his exhaustion and carry on for another hour before collapsing on the cold, worn out floor. He heard the door open and started panicking. Jimin couldn't let anyone see him like this! They'd just scold him and not let him go back again, but he needed the practice! He sat up rather quickly for someone who just danced 8 hours with only 3 ten minute breaks and looked towards the door, ready to be scolded.

Jungkook walked towards the practice room expecting music to be blasting out but heard nothing. He didn't know if he should be worried or glad. On one hand, Jimin rarely ever stopped dancing if he could help it, however tired he was so he could be in trouble but on the other hand if he had just decided to stop then Jungkook was glad he finally decided to rest. Whatever it was, Jungkook pushed open the door, takeout in one hand.

"Kookie! What are you doing here?" Jimin was half relieved it was Jungkook because the younger almost never pushed anyone for anything, but he also knew the younger was very stubborn and while he probably wouldn't lift him up and carry him back anymore after Jimin banned him from videogames with Taehyung, he knew that if Jungkook went all puppy-eyed on him he wouldn't be able to say no.

"I ordered takeout for you because I figured you wouldn't be back for a while so incase you hadn't eaten yet I thought I could eat with you? I needed to come back at some point anyway, I left my exercise bag here earlier." It was true, Jimin had seen Jungkook's bag but he didn't expect him to come back so soon. "Well let's eat then, what have you got?" He opened the bag and took out about 5 boxes.
"Why do you have so much food?! It's only us two!" Jimin eyed Jungkook suspiciously. "Is anyone else coming?"
"Nope, just us. Like Jin said, me, Tae and you are still growing fetuses and we need food"

Jungkook was glad Jimin had accepted the food. It was takeout meaning it was oily and honestly, he didn't really expect Jimin to agree. This just made everything so much easier. He had left his bag at the dance practice room as an excuse to be able to come back here. He watched Jimin eat for about a minute(yes he knows it sounds creepy but that wasn't his intention) before Jimin noticed and looked up.
"Why aren't you eating?"
"Ah sorry, I was distracted." In reality, he had been hoping to eat as little as possible for two reasons.
1) he wanted Jimin to have most of the food as he knew for a fact he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.
2) he was on a diet himself and this sort of food isn't included. He was willing to sacrifice his diet though if it meant his hyung could be healthy(yes takeout isn't actually healthy but it's food. Something both he and Jimin seem to dislike)

After eating, the two Busan boys messed around for about half an hour before Jungkook noticed the time. "Hey hyung, it's getting late, let's go back." Jimin wanted to stay some more but he knew he couldn't make any excuse when it actually was 10 and his Hyungs were gonna kill him and Jk if they didn't come back home soon. "Ok."

When they arrived, everyone else were already asleep. The two decided to sleep together in Jimin's bed tonight. (Namjoon was snoring too loudly) Jungkook fell asleep curled around Jimin as if protecting him from all his insecurities. When they woke up, Taehyung was taking pictures of them.

Awwww fluff. The ending's so soft I'm sobbing even though I wrote it. It's so hard to write a mix of angst and fluff though :((( And who else loves Come Back Home? but anyway, I purple you all byeeee!!!!💜💜💜

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