Powerful Return to the City

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Despite this psychological preparation, Wang Che 's response still made Fang He stupefy , blindly Worship ...

Does anyone want to know where he got this thing from? No one actually asked, but Wang Che, who jumped out, still thought he was a god?

The next Li Zhen stretched out his hands and put a deep breath on Fang He's shoulder. When Fang He got things out, he stared at almost everyone, guarding against any dark thoughts, but such a group of people, the pure thoughts When such a large number of materials appeared, no one actually had any gloomy thoughts.

From this moment, both Fang He and Li Zhen have delivered all their trust to such a group of people who follow from County X.

Fang He looked at Wang Che with excitement and said, "I just have a relatively large space. The water I injected into your wells was also released from the space."

Wei Ziting jumped excitedly, "I told them that the water appeared out of thin air, and they had never seen it with their own eyes. They could n't even imagine the scene, and I said that you must still have the power of space. he said that space systems mutation who do not have so much space, but little brother leader more powerful, space must be very large. "

Fang Wo Wei Zaiting hand rubbed the head, Wei Ziting smiling face became a little sun, eyes Light.

"Okay, everyone is ready, all the abilities that can be used are used." Li Zhen Shensheng said.

As soon as Li Zhen just spoke, Yang Fei settled their excitement and began to make orderly arrangements.

However, even with Yang Fei, this manpower is not enough. Even if a car is fully loaded with 100 tons, it will take hundreds of cars to complete it. Wang Che grabbed his hair and turned to look at Fang He. "Little chief, can't this be done?"

Fang He was completely ignorant of these. Looking at Li Zhen, Li Zhen naturally knew that these people must not be able to get it. Even if there is a blessing of abilities, these vehicles can be loaded as much as possible, and they can get up to five points. One is good, so Li Zhen said, "We can get as much as we can, and we will put the rest back into the space."

Such a mighty group of people, plus various abilities, especially the wind and wood Yes, Fang He calculated the weight he could bear, and turned to look at Li Zhen. "How much are you going to get?"

Li Zhen shook his head. "First put into the space, we have other things. "The

sudden emergence of such a large number of materials from Xiaoyun Mountain is obviously not feasible. Li Zhen is going to make some marks all the way to the coastal port.

When the team is ready to leave, Li Zhen said to Wang Ping, "Half-hidden along the way, let people see but not see clearly, understand?"

Wang Ping nodded, "Relax, big boss, I can get A phantom is not a problem. "After the

two watched them leave, Li Zhen and Fang He drove in the other direction. Fang He watched the dusty road and the various vehicle indentations on the road. He turned to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen turned his head, "What's wrong?"

Fang He laughed, "Nothing, I just feel that it will be very exciting when we go outside the base."

Li Zhen smiled slightly and reached out and touched Fang He's head.

The two ran for a long distance before returning. When they overtook Yang Fei's team, they were close to the base.

Fang He looked through the mist made by Wang Ping and looked towards the base. There were already many people standing on the first line of defense.

When he was closer to the base, Li Zhenchao Wang Ping glanced, Wang Ping standing on the top of the steel plate slowly blocked the sight around him, and the mist like Twilight gradually became clear, revealing their mighty team The swaying transport team made the people standing on the defensive wall see more clearly.

Fang He heard the shock of the first line of defense, and some even shouted excitedly, countless eyes focused on their team, more and more people appeared on the first line of defense.

Such a batch of supplies is enough to make the first defense line of the entire city base into a defensive wall as strong as the second defense line. Li Zhen is going to make it vigorous and let everyone at the base see it.

With the exclamation and joy of countless people, they arrived at the entrance of the other side directly from the second line of defense to the outside. The entrance of the line of defense had been opened, and the base management who had received the news had sent someone to respond.

Such a batch of supplies is enough to excite all the people above and below the base.

Li Zhen looked at the head of the person, squinting his eyes slightly, reaching out to grasp Fang He's hand, Fang He felt Li Zhen's tightness, looked at Li Zhen strangely, "What's wrong?"

Li Zhen motioned to Fang He looked at a group of people welcomed by Jiadao, and "brought out a soldier who was affected by a psychic mutator."

This was his other purpose. Fang He once told him that the laboratory had a deep background or was still in the zombie virus. The outbreak was created from the beginning, and it may only be supported by the military + the party.

The steel plate he obtained this time can almost be said to be a landmark contribution to the long-term development of the city base. Such a huge momentum, no matter from which consideration, the military + party or the military + party in power must be One or two will appear.

Fang He looked at that person, and that person felt very uncomfortable. There was an unspeakable sense of disobedience. To be more precise, Fang He felt that this person did not look like a real person and didn't have much sense of self-awareness.

Li Zhen had already talked to Yang Fei before, and the task of delivering the task let him do it in the name of Fang He, so at this time, he and Fang He did not contact the person. Li Zhen pulled Fang He to a position where they could avoid their sight. Li Zhen whispered, "Cover me, let me explore."

Fang He nodded, and instantly turned into a kitten and landed in Li Zhen. On the steel next to him, he can use abilities better than human when he is cat-shaped.

Li Zhen glanced at Fang He's kitten, then held his breath and stared silently, and passed silently.

This invasion of Li Zhen felt a very complex and rigorous spiritual suggestion of strength. Fortunately, he had several experiences during this time. When Li Zhen invaded, he avoided the defense of these spiritual forces and went straight to the core.

Li Zhen unexpectedly found the core of this spiritual power. When he locked in and pulled out the intruded foreign spiritual power that confuses the master's consciousness, Li Zhen unconsciously glanced at the person's thinking, and suddenly knew why it was so easy. Already.

It is worthy of a strong-willed soldier. This person has developed a sense of resistance. It is estimated that more experiments have produced a sense of resistance. However, the lock implies that his mental strength is too strong, and he cannot break through. Invasion gave him a chance directly.

Fang He carefully guarded the surrounding area. When he turned to see Li Zhen opened his eyes, he stunned and fell on Li Zhen's shoulder. "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

Li Zhen held Fang He in his arms and shook Shaking his head, "I'm okay."

Then half of the body was exposed from the corner of the steel plate, just looking up at the person who had seen it, the person's sight was lost for a while, suddenly sharpened, reaching out for a long time After being invaded by mental power, the severe pain in his head caused him to shake slightly after being pulled away. After he calmed down, he looked at Li Zhen for a while, and nodded intently towards Li Zhen.

Fang He looked at him in surprise, "He is saying hello to you?"

Li Zhen nodded, "Forget it, I have released his mental lock. He should understand his current situation." In

general, Although this plan is hastily and has many loopholes, the best effect has already been achieved.

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