Fake Friend

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qxeenreyna Hey! Thanks for asking me a poem on this wonderful topic. May not be the best but I've given my best. Hope you like it! ♥️


There and here, here and there,
Dangerous snakes everywhere.
Skillful skin speaking sin,
Take my trust, my mind you win.
Blinded enough to let you play,
And believe the sweet lies you say.
You took me, a pure blank book,
To write stories that you did cook.

Every word you said,
I thought you meant it.
Each promise you made,
I thought you'd keep it.
But I never realized,
That I was just some back up
I was too late when I did,
And you were too far to catch up.

Happy to be the one,
When you have none.
But not to be the one,
When you only have none.
A friend in need,
Is a friend indeed.
But a friend only for a need,
Is truly a fake friend indeed.

Sharon Mathew

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