Little Sister

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I saw you from my castle,
Crying in the street,
I carried you with me,
After your face I did meet.

You looked just like me,
My little sister I thought,
But then you slapped my face,
And proved me that you're not.

I was there for you,
When you were lost.
I wanted you happy,
No matter what cost.

You were suffering inside,
And needed rescue.
I gave you my time,
And saved you from you.

You were all alone,
Everyone failed you,
Including you,
But I... Mended you.

I gave you my time,
I gave you my friends,
I gave you my love,
One that never ends.

I made my Kingdom give you chance,
In its courts, since you've grown.
But never, ever did I realise,
That you only wanted my throne.

But I didn't harm you,
I stayed quiet, Princess,
But now you try to chase me,
And want me powerless.

But one thing you must know,
You desperately want me down.
But whether you're with me or not,
Sister, I'll always wear my crown.

Because you were the nobody,
That was always unseen,
But from the beginning, and,
Always, I am the Queen.

Sharon Mathew

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