Chapter 13

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Don't hate me but we need some drama in this story!!

Maria’s POV

I sit in my Jeep I let Vic drive, because there no way I can drive. I have been crying since we left the house. I really don’t know if I can ever trust Tony or if he can trust me. This thinking about it  makes me cry even more. I know I sound like little girl, but I was planning out my life with this kid. I can feel Vic looking at me, I turn face to look at him he looks away fast. I really never paid attention to Vic he has beautiful brown eyes, his little nose ring, his tan skin. He is very handsome I can see why Tay loves him.

Think about it I don’t know how Vic is getting back to the house because he in my Jeep. I shake the thought of it. “Thanks Vic for driving me.” I speak up “You welcome Maria I’m sorry he went off on you like that. You didn’t deserve it.” Vic looks at me with a sad smile. We pull into a nice hotel “Vic you want to stay with me tonight. I really don’t want to stay by myself. Please stay with me.”

Mike POV

I keep looking at the door waiting for Vic to walk through. He can’t be with Maria he with Tay which is Maria’s cousins. Oh and Tony with Maria and Tony and Vic are best friends. I can’t handle all this drama. Jaime notices me “Mike stop making yourself sick dude. He’ll come back.” Tay walks down the stairs “Hey guys where is Vic I feel bad I went off on him and Maria where she at?” Jaime explains what happen between Maria and Tony. “Oh my gosh this is my fault I can’t believe he did that.” I shake my head at her. Yeah you might be the reason if Vic and Maria do something they will both regret I think to myself. “So where is Vic at? So me and him can go look for Maria.” I look at Tay “Vic went to our parents house” I lie straight to her face. “Oh” is all Tay says.

Tony POV

I miss her. She would be laying right next me tracing my tattoos, telling me for the 100th time she wants one. I can’t believe the way I acted. I made the love of my life cry like no tomorrow. I let her walk of my life. I made her leave I regret everything I told her. I get up from the bed thinking this all could be a bad dream I look in closet and all of her stuff is gone. Ever last thing of her is gone. The only thing I left is the picture of us from her birthday. Her makeup is in the rest room I can’t stand looking at her red lipstick. I miss her singing Bob Dylan. I just miss her. I hear a knock on the door. “What do you want?” Tay walks in. “Tone we messed up pretty bad tonight the both of us.” I laugh at her “You think I love her Tay and she gone forever.” I close my eyes “So is he” is all Tay says.

Vic’s POV

“I’ll stay Maria.” She looks at me with her beautiful smile. “Really Vic!?” I might be messing up something but I can’t deny the feelings anymore. “Why would I lie?” she smiles at me so big “Well let’s get down Victor.” We walk into the hotel we get a room. My phone keeps going off Maria goes into the restroom this gives me time to look at my phone.

Mike: So umm are you coming home… Vic don’t do anything with Maria please. Tay asking for you come home please.

Vic: I’m not with Maria I drop her off at the hotel. I’m not going home I need clear my mind.

I click send and get a respond back fast.

Mike: Ok good. I let you go

I know lied right to Mike I mean I just don’t want hear him tell me to come home. I really just want to stay with Maria.

Maria’s POV

 I know having Vic here is bad but I just don’t want to be alone tonight. I come out of the bathroom and Vic lying down on the bed. “Hey” I look at Vic I sit right next to him. “Maria do you ever think how if you did something, everything could have been different.” “What do mean Vic.” Vic sits up and is looking in my eyes. “The night of concert when I saw you and Tay I wanted to talk to you. I got with Tay because I was hoping you would come talk to me, but you fell for Tony. I should of just went over there and told you how I felt. Everything would have been so different. You would have been mine.”

I can feel my face becoming red, not because I think it’s cute it’s because I’m scared. Scared of everything he just said. Just when I’m about to get up and leave Vic pulls on my arm making me fall on the bed. He looks in my eyes “I hope I don’t regret this Maria.” He kissed me I kissed him back putting my hands in his hair. I let myself get lost in the kiss before I push Vic away. “I can’t Vic. I can’t do this to Tay my cousin and Tony your best friend and my boyfriend.” Tony isn’t my even my boyfriend I don’t know what we are.

“Maria please say something to me.” Vic looks at me “I’m hungry” Vic starts to laugh “Well what do you want?” I look with him with a smile “Pizza?” Vic smiles “Pizza.” I lay back down on the bed I feel the bed move and when I turn around Vic’s arms are wrap around me. “Vic” “Shh please Maria let me just hold you.” I feel safe in Vic arms I forget about what happen between me and Tony. I forget everything I turn around and I kiss Vic this time.

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