Chapter 19

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Gradation came and went I never thought high school would end so fast. I wanted to be done since the start of freshmen year, but now that’s it’s all done I’m scared out of my mind.

I mean yes I’m happy it’s done, but now were moving to New York, a whole new coast a whole new life. Nobody knows me there just George and Danielle it’s pretty exciting that we are all living together.

“Maria!” Danielle yells from down the stairs in her house.

Till we leave for New York I’m living with Danielle and her parents, they know all about the situation with my dad, and my ex.

Tony didn’t show up to my graduation none of them did. I went on Instagram after graduation and saw pictures of Tay, Vic Jaime, Mike, and Tony they were partying. Tony unfollowed me from everything. I haven’t unfollowed him yet but he been posting pictures with a lot of girls.

“Maria! I’ve been yelling at you forever.” Danielle is now yelling at me in the door way.

“Hey calm down.”

“I’ve been yelling at you forever fool. Guess who followed me on Instagram.”

“I don’t know.”

“Vic, Tony, Jaime, and Mike and they all followed George. You know how many crazy fan girls are commenting on stuff. I’m thinking about posting a picture saying I like girls.”

“Dani I love you. Thank you so much for not giving on up on me and being my best friend. If it wasn’t for you and George I would be going crazy right now. I would of not  know what to do if you guys weren’t here.”

“We love you. We loved you before you were the band whore of Pierce the Veil and we will always love you.”

“Aww Dani thank you.”

“Have you talked to Tay?”


“Are you going to tell her about moving to New York?”

“Does she still follow you on Instagram Dani, because she unfollowed me.”

“Yeah she still follows me.”

“Well she can find out on Instagram. I’m just done with all of them.”

Danielle looks at me and just shakes her head.

Tay’s POV

I’ve been crying for three days straight. I mean me and Vic did get back together, but my friendship with Maria is done. She like a little sister to me, my best friend.

I wish I could take back that whole night we meant the guys. I would still have Maria in my life.

The night of her graduation I got drunk with the guys, I saw all the pictures the day after that Maria’s friends posted. I really don’t know what she going to do after high school. I think she will just end up going to college here.

“Hey Tay your grandma here.” Vic comes into the room

On top of the drama between me and Maria my grandma come down for her graduation and now wants to talk to me about our “fight”.

I get up from off the bed I can see my sweet grandma looking at Mike like he the devil himself, she very old fashion and hate tattoos.


“Taylor please tell me you have no tattoos on you or rings in your nose or lips.”
I run up to my grandma and get her a big hug.

“Oh Taylor how I’ve missed you. Come here baby girl.”

Maybe you should be with a rockstar.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن