What the.....

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The next day of school and i saw Miya and Alyssa together...i couldn't think why they were together  so i walked up to them. Miya turned around and looked at me for a second then pulled me to a empty class room.  "Miya..? What's going on.." i said while looking at her "LISTEN TOMARY YOU STAY AWAY FROM JET THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME AWAY FROM HIM IS YOU JUST REMEMBER YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK BECAUSE I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT!"

She zoomed out of the class room and i couldn't comprehend  what went down...I ran down the hall crying i don't know why i was crying it just killed me to think that i trusted her...i ran into somebody and i couldn't believe who it was yup you guessed it was Jet out of all people. "Whoa whoa what happened?!" I yeeted out of his arms (thats the yeet XD)

I ran away and he ran after me

no no i cant...

i cant be..


attached to him to....

(sorry its so short)

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